Current state: [One of "Under Discussion", "Accepted", "Rejected"]
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JIRA: here
I'm using kafka sink connect; The config "auto.offset.reset" is set in connect-distributed*.properties;
It works for all connector which in one worker; So the consumer will poll records from latest or earliest; I can not control the 'auto.offset.reset' connector configs post with rest api;
I think is necessary to override worker kafka api configs with connector configs;
With the improvement, connectors with different auto.offset.reset policy can be exist in the same worker;
Public Interfaces
The new configurations start with 'consumer.' for sink connector and new configurations start with 'producer.' will be support for REST interface 'POST /connectors';
{ "name": "test", "config": { "": "latest", # override in connect-distributed*.properties "consumer.max.poll.records": "200", "": "xxx" "connector.class": "com.laomei.sis.solr.SolrConnector", "tasks.max": "1", "": "100", "": "60000", "topics": "test" } }
Proposed Changes
use case
For the sink connector, we can support override kafka consumer with '' configurations;
For the source connector, we can support override kafka producer with '' configurations;
{ "name": "test", "config": { "": "latest", # override in connect-distributed*.properties "": "xxx" "connector.class": "com.laomei.sis.solr.SolrConnector", "tasks.max": "1", "": "100", "": "60000", "topics": "test" } }
Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
- If there are kafka connect implemention which the prefix of configurations start with 'consumer.' or 'producer.', the connect will be impact;
- The older behavior will not be changed if the older configurations not contains config start with 'consumer' in sink connector or 'producer' in source connector;
- No migration tool required