Current state: Under Discussion vote
Discussion thread:
JIRA: - KAFKA-9042Getting issue details... STATUS
- user has to specify input topic name in the stream reset tool in order to purge its offsets
Adding a new option which could automatically detect all external topics and reset their corresponding offsets
Public Interfaces
- A new resetAllExternalTopicsOption will be added for user to cleanup all externally committed offsets
- `--all-user-topics` flag add
add reset-all-external-topics option
public class StreamsResetter { /* 'all-user-topics' add flag */ private static OptionSpecBuilder allUserTopicsOption; }
Proposed Changes
- --all-user-topics Reset tool to delete offsets for all topics related to available groups
Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
Because it is an option addition Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan are not a problem
Rejected Alternatives
Not applicable.