
We try to keep this doc up to date, however, as it describes internals that might change at any point in time, there is no guarantee that this doc reflects the latest state of the code base.


Lifecycle of a StreamThread


StreamThread Lifecycle


Lifecycle of a StreamTask and StandbyTask


StreamTask Lifecycle


Exception Handling

A Kafka Streams client need to handle multiple different types of exceptions. We try to summarize what kind of exceptions are there, and how Kafka Streams should handle those. In general, Kafka Streams should be resilient to exceptions and keep processing even if some internal exceptions occur.

Types of Exceptions:

There are different categories how exceptions can be categoriezed. 

First, we can distinguish between recoverable and fatal exceptions. Recoverable exception should be handled internally and never bubble out to the user. For fatal exceptions, Kafka Streams is doomed to fail and cannot start/continue to process data. 

Related to this are retriable exception. While retriable exception are recoverable in general, it might happen that the (configurable) retry counter is exceeded; for this case, we end up with an fatal exception.

The second category are "external" vs "internal" exception. By "external" we refer to any exception that could be returned by the brokers. "Internal" exceptions are those that are raised locally.

For "external" exceptions, we need to consider KafkaConsumerKafkaProducer, and KafkaAdmintClient. For internal exceptions, we have for example (de)serialization, state store, and user code exceptions as well as any other exception Kafka Streams raises itself (e.g., configuration exceptions).

Last but not least, we distinguish between exception that should never occur. If those exception do really occur, they indicate a bug and thus all those exception are fatal. All regular Java exception (eg, NullPointerException) are in this category.

Coding implications:

  • We should never try to handle any fatal exceptions but clean up and shutdown
    • We should catch all those exceptions for clean up only and rethrow unmodified (they will eventually bubble out of the thread and trigger uncaught exception hander if one is registered)
    • We should only log those exception (with ERROR level) once at the thread level before they bubble out of the thread to avoid duplicate logging
  • We need to do fine grained exception handling, ie, catch exceptions individually instead of coarse grained and react accordingly
  • All methods should have complete JavaDocs about exception they might throw
  • All exception classes must have strictly defined semantics that are documented in their JavaDocs
  • In runtime code, we should never throw any regular Java excepiton (except it's fatal) but define our own exceptions if required (this allows us to destinguish between bugs and our own exceptions)
  • We should catch, wrap, and rethrow exceptions each time we can add important information to it that helps users and us to figure out the root cause of what when wrong

To be discussed:

  • How to handle Throwable ?
    • Should we try to catch-and-rethrow in order to clean up?
      • Throwable is fatal, so clean up might fail anyway?
      • Furthermore, should we assume that the whole JVM is dying anyway?
    • Should we be harsh and call System.exit (note, we are a library – but maybe we are "special" enough to justify this?
      • Note, if a thread dies without clean up, but other threads are still running fine, we might end up in a deadlock as locks are not released
      • Could also be configurable
      • Could also be a hybrid: try to clean up on Throwable but call System.exit if clean up fails (as we would end up in a deadlock anyway – maybe only if running with more than one thread?)
    • Should we force users to provide uncaught exception handler via KafkaStreams constructor to make sure they get notified about dying streams?
  • Restructure exception class hierarchy:
    • Remove all sub-classed of StreamsException from public API (we only hand out this one to the user)

    • StreamsException inidicates a fatal error (we could sub-class StreamsException with more detailed fatal errors if required – but don't think this is necessary)
    • We sub-class StreamsException with (an abstract?) RecoverableStreamsException in internal package for any internal exception that should be handled by Streams and never bubble out
      • As an alternative (that I would prefer) we could introduce this as an independet and checked exception instead of inheriting from StreamsException (this forces us to declare and handle those exceptions in our code and makes it hart do miss – otherwise, one might bubble out due to a bug
    • We sub-class inidividual recoverable exceptions in a fine grained manner from RecoverableStreamsException for individual errors
    • We can further group all retriable exceptions by sub-classing them from abstract RetriableStreamsException extends RecoverableStreamsException – the more details/categories the better?



 KafkaConsumerKafkaProducerStreamsKafakClientAdminClientStreams API
fatal (should never occur)


- IllegalArgumentExcetpion

- IllegalStateException

- WakeupException

- InterruptExcetpion


- UnknownServerException


- IllegalArgumentExcetpion

- IllegalStateException

- WakeupException

- InterruptExcetpion


- UnknownServerException

- OffsetMetadataTooLarge

- SerializationException (we use <byte[],byte[]> as types)



- IllegalArgumentExcetpion

- IllegalStateException

- WakeupException

- InterruptExcetpion


- UnknownServerException

- InvalidTopicException


- IllegalArgumentExcetpion

- IllegalStateException

- WakeupException

- InterruptExcetpion



- InvalidTopicExcetpion




- ConfigException


- AuthorizationException (including all subclasses)

- AuthenticationException (inlcuding all subclasses)

- SecurityDisabledException

- InvalidTopicException



- ConfigException


- AuthorizationException (including all subclasses)

- AuthenticationException (inlcuding all subclasses)

- SecurityDisabledExcetpion

- InvalidTopicException

- UnkownTopicOrPartitionsException (retyable? refresh metadata?)

- RecordBatchTooLargeException

- RecordTooLargeException



- ConfigException


- AuthorizationException (including all subclasses)

- AuthenticationException (inlcuding all subclasses)

- SecurityDisabledExcetpion



- ConfigException


- AuthorizationException (including all subclasses)

- AuthenticationException (inlcuding all subclasses)

- SecurityDisabledExcetpion


- ConfigException

- SerializationException





- InvalidOffsetException (OffsetOutOfRangeException, NoOffsetForPartitionsException)

- CommitFailedException

- TimeoutException

- QuotaViolationException?



- CorruptedRecordException

- NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppendException

- OffsetOutOfRangeException (when can producer get this?)

- TimeoutException

- QuotaViolationException?

- BufferExhausedException (verify)
















- ProducerFencedException








- LockException


Having a look at all KafkaException there are some exception we need to double check if they could bubble out any client (or maybe we should not care, an treat all of them as fatal/remote exceptions).

-> DataException, SchemaBuilderExcetpion, SchemaProjectorException, RequestTargetException, NotAssignedException, IllegalWorkerStateException, ConnectRestException, BadRequestException, AlreadyExistsException (might be possible to occur, or only TopicExistsException), NotFoundException, ApiException, InvalidTimestampException, InvalidGroupException, InvalidReplicationFactorException (might be possible, but inidcate bug), o.a.k.common.erros.InvalidOffsetExcetpion and o.a.k.common.errors.OffsetOutOfRangeException (side note: do those need cleanup – seems to be duplicates?), ReplicaNotAvailalbeException, UnknowServerException, OperationNotAttempedException, PolicyViolationException, InvalidConfigurationException, InvalidFetchSizeException, InvalidReplicaAssignmentException, InconsistendGroupProtocolException, ReblanceInProgressException, LogDirNotFoundException, BrokerNotAvailableException, InvalidOffsetCommitSizeException, InvalidTxnTimeoutException, InvalidPartitionsException, TopicExistsException (cf. AlreadyExistException), InvalidTxnStateException,, UnsupportedForMessageFormatException, InvalidSessionTimeoutException, InvalidRequestException, IllegalGenerationException, InvalidRequiredAckException,  

-> RetryableException, CoordinatorNotAvailalbeException, RetryableCommitException, DuplicateSequenceNumberException, NotEnoughReplicasException, NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppendException, InvalidRecordException, DisconnectException, InvalidMetaDataException (NotLeaderForPartitionException, NoAvailableBrokersException, UnkonwTopicOrPartitionException, KafkaStoreException, LeaderNotAvailalbeException), GroupCoordinatorNotAvailableException

Should never happen:

Handled by client (consumer, producer, admin) internally and should never bubble out of a client: (verify)

 - ConnectionException, RebalanceNeededException, InvalidPidMappingException, ConcurrentTransactionException, NotLeaderException, TransactionalCoordinatorFencedException, ControllerMovedException, UnkownMemberIdException, OutOfOrderSequenceException, CoordinatorLoadInProgressException, GroupLoadInProgressException, NotControllerException, NotCoordinatorException, NotCoordinatorForGroupException, StaleMetadataException, NetworkException, 





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1 Comment

  1. Matthias J. Sax Thanks for this summary! I made a few comments regarding your open questions in red in the diagram. Here are just two meta-comment I have in mind.


    1. About the catching exception logic: we should consider listing all the exceptions that could be thrown from the called function, even if they are not checked exceptions (e.g. all KafkaExceptions including StreamsExceptions and ApiExceptions are RuntimeExceptions) to help future development on the internal classes. In addition, after all the exceptions are listed, the catch block should be better in fine-grained than coarsen-grained (e.g. catch Exception or even catch Throwable) if possible. We should consider differentiate from 1) retriable exception from fatal exception, hence the handling logic would be different; 2) even if the handling logic is the same (e.g. rethrow, or sallow), we should also think if we want the logging message to be different (e.g. a user-handling function throws a fatal error, or the Streams library internal class itself throws a fatal error), if yes we should also catch them separately.

    2. For the user-facing API calls, for all the non KafkaException runtime exceptions, like IllegalState / IllegalArgument, etc, they should all be fatal error and we can handle them by logging-shutdown-thread. Also for those not expected exceptions like (QuotaViolationException / TimeoutException since we should have handled it internally so it should never be thrown out of the public APIs anymore), throwing them means there is a bug and hence we can also treat it as fatal.