This document is a first draft for design the future Lenya major version.
Useful reading and information have to be picked up from this documents :
Here comes some headings that have to be filled down. Headings and content are proposals, so don't hesitate to modify, suppress, etc...
General Requirements
- Automatic content migration from old version to the new one
- LenyaDocTransformer can be a begin of a solution with his capability to create documents from xml with api usage.
- Another option: Export to standard format + import (similar to JCR)
Use Cases
write here you how-to use idea, like if you are a simple user
- Use Case 1 : Chain modules
- be able to easily (via user interface) to chain modules in order to create a new process in my publication.
- For example, I have in my module stack :
- A - upload module (build interface for the end user)
- B - Write to file system module
- C - To html parser (ie Tika)
- D - Lenya document creator module
- so I can define via administrative interface :
- process I) A --> B
- process II) A --> C --> D
- Use Case 2 : Forms by clic ²
- Be able to define forms with clic and decide what I want to do with this after validation (write in a resource, write on FS, put in database, send by mail,...)
- Be able to define forms with clic and decide what I want to do with this after validation (write in a resource, write on FS, put in database, send by mail,...)
wish list of all features you would like to see will be organize / topicazed soon.
- all is module, core is restrict to his more simple expression
- easy way to integrate webservices
- GUI module configuration
- more "2.0":
- user can create his account
- possible to comment each document
- hook feature : each module can define pre or post hook for predefined function, with this, module don't be intrusive into existing process, easily add features on it
- user interface
- workflow more closed to the article
- suppress "site" tab and put all functionalities into "authoring" mode
- molecular sharing system :
- each user can define one or more "friends group" and share with it read, write, comment access. 4 bases levels : individual, personnal groups, site groups, world
- each user can define one or more "friends group" and share with it read, write, comment access. 4 bases levels : individual, personnal groups, site groups, world
- easy way to create forms
- forums
- a definition for forums functionalities :
- blog
- synchronisation between different instances (via svn for example)
- possibility to edit site when not connected
- links with mail-box
- import Ooo 3.0
- be able to edit imported Ooo 3.0
- be able to edit imported Ooo 3.0
- presentation / slide module
- MetaDatas :
- Propose a more flexible MetaDatas solution for be able to deal with any xml format (like RDF, OWL,...)
- metaData Navigator : be able to navigate trow documents by date, autor, key-words, ...
- fine grained workflow
- be able to define particular workflow for a path in the site structure (so a part of the site can become wiki, and the other verified area)
- be able to define particular workflow for a path in the site structure (so a part of the site can become wiki, and the other verified area)
- fine grained users/groups rights :
- navigation by profile :
- target group oriented navigation (prefered interest e.g. industry specific of a certain group). Each Content page can be adressed to a specific User group (target group)
- admin access by profile :
- create a user-group which has restricted access to the admin-area
- navigation by profile :
- Authentification and authorisation :
- use an existing lib like this :
- search for the powerfull and simplier solution.
- Unit-testing on sitemap's results.
- New UI template processing : have a really content <-> presentation independance : 3 majors ideas
- 1) All the template in one folder
- 2) UI architecture/structure is just another content
- The build of this structure can be done via the "forrest template mechanism" for lenya templating : refer torsten's answer here
- 3) Content can be place anywhere in the structure
- For realise this point, we have to define a "block-template" interface for each module.
- This interface is just a pipeline match into the module that output an xml with sections head/body/footer
- Just have to write the block-template interface in the structure for having an "in place I want" result
- This photo represent a first draft done during the MeetingBordeaux2010 : template.jpg
- Email Notification/reminder to new users
- search improvement :
- 1) use solr
- 2) an idea from ticket :
- The lucene integration should expose more details about the search, and it should be easier to add new fields to the index via a GUI.
- might be helpful
- use HTML5 and CSS3
- Easy to use, an excellent site administration.
- Good performance in big sites (better Lenya 2 than Lenya 1.2)
- Standars compliance.
- Content Comments
- be abble to add comments/ reviews / evaluation function to all Lenya contents (document, photos, ...)
- be abble to add comments/ reviews / evaluation function to all Lenya contents (document, photos, ...)
- Be able to login with shared identification services (facebook, google, etc...)
- Have routines and easy integration with integration with famous social media... twitter, facebook, youtube, issuu (
- have a built-in easy to use there api
- note : there is a component near from that in development in the apache camel environment
- note : there is a component near from that in development in the apache camel environment
- have a built-in easy to use there api
- GUI composition module :
- Be able with clic and mouse to configure position of contents, blocks, menu elements in a Lenya graphical template.
- See the Drupal way of do, it's really cool and easy.
- See the Drupal way of do, it's really cool and easy.
- Be able with clic and mouse to configure position of contents, blocks, menu elements in a Lenya graphical template.
- implementation of webcalendar calendar format propose calendar service
user interface
Here comes idea about the UI design (nice pictures or hand-made scan are welcome)
- be more user friendly, interactive, web 2.0
main core design lines, libs and external systems that are used
- Andreas' Potential Architecture Diagram : architectureimage.jpg
- clean all Lenya specific implementations with standards ones when possible :
- Content repository ==> jcr
- workflow ==> ??
- ??
- use maven for building
which cocoon version ?
Lenya is actually in 2.1, 2.2 was "stable" and out from a moment and C3 is actually under development in alpha stage. Which version will be use ? Let's discuss about possible scenarios and pro and cons for each.
- Cocoon 2.1 :
- pro, with cleaning and optimisation :$pj1$
- pro, with cleaning and optimisation :$pj1$
- Cocoon 2.2 :
- Cocoon 3 :
- Cocoon 2.1 with module by module migration to 3
- see :
- see :
the way works the app
- GUI template
- separate into the actual (2.1) template idea :
- template configuration : inheritance of users, workflow configuration,...
- template GUI : independent, more flexible mechanism that allow to easily share template into community
- separate into the actual (2.1) template idea :
api have to be simple, understandable, etc... but it's not easy ! Let's discuss about it here.
Ideas to reuses
- this ideas are from an old 3.0 roadmap. * some of this ideas have to be reuse into this document :
A: Evolution
- Preserve backwards compatibility
B: Clean Cut, Reuse Architecture
- Migrate to Cocoon 2.2
- Replace content repository with JCR
- Start with minimal core
- If possible, replace home-grown stuff with out-of-the-box components (a lot has happened since our components have been built)
- Identity management: no internal user storage (maybe proxies), SSO support (OpenID integration etc.)
- Workflow engine
- GUI framework (GWT, Dojo, ...)
- Migrate modules step by step
C: Clean Cut, Reuse Experience
- Reconsider all requirements thoroughly
- Derive architectural constraints
- Choose architecture
- Reuse code where it makes sense
Architectural Constraints
- No changes to URL space and mapping between URLs and pages required
- Workflow-driven content manipulation
- Access control on repository level - permissions assigned to content objects rather than URLs