Board Reports
A report to the ASF board from the Lenya PMC is due the following months: February, May, August, November
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The Apache Lenya project has been busy the last few months to get the 1.2 release out. The project saw an increase in mailing list traffic for both the user and developer lists; the number of sites deploying Lenya is growing. Dale Christ was voted in as a new commiter, while Thorsten Scherler became an active commiter again. A public demo site #1 turned out to be a useful resource for users to try out Lenya and for developers to quickly confirm bug reports. A Sprint #2 brought developers together for 2 days in Zurich to work on Repository#3 Integration. The sprint was very productive and will be repeated in the future.
The notion of translating the Lenya documentation came up, while a non-english mailing list proposal was rejected over fracturing concerns.
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