ToC draft for documentations
An online version of the first steps in refactoring the lenya documentation can be found here. One aim is to use as many images as possible (and senseful) to explain how everything works. That helps to get the big picture of lenya and pix are international ! I used the SoC four major concern areas to structure the docu.
The above link do not show the structure of the docu (so far), so I thought about something like the following:
- introduction
- OverviewCMS
- background/history of Lenya
- SoC
- concern guides
- dev (admin) guide -> logic (setting up and developing the environment)
- Installation of 1.2 (src/bin)
- NewPublicationHowTo
- DeployPublicationHowTo
- AddingCustomDocType
- AccessControl
- creating contracts (e.g. <dynamic:today/>)
- management guide (manage the site)
- GuideUserManagement
- create new user
- Control content life cycle stages
- Workflow
- create new workflow
- GuideUserManagement
- Building and Editing Sites with Lenya designer guide (changing the view and overall design)
This chapter / book / section assumes that an administrator has set up Lenya for you and will take care of administrative tasks that cannot be accomplished through the CMS screens (yet). Therefore it will entirely focus on your bread and butter business: Creating and maintaining a great experience for the visitor of your site.
- The Architect, the Designer and the Editor (ArchitectDesignerEditor)
- Change look and feel of overall site (ApplicationLookandFeelHowto)
- content guide (for content editor) (GuideContentEditor)
- writing text
- formating text
- adding pictures (PicturesHowto)
- using contracts (e.g. <dynamic:today/>)
Please, feel free to add some new points to the exiting agenda.
What do YOU want to know when reading the documentation? Do you have some pix for the docu that explain some components? Do you have some existing lenya docu that you may have written for your company, client, ...?
Everything will be highly welcome and we promise you that you can find your work in the documentation!
Attachment: WPS+FAQ.doc