When applying changes to an index the IndexWriter needs to acquire an exclusive lock on the Directory.
While both F{{`S}}Directory and R
`Directory have sensible defaults you might want to consider an alternative for finetuning of performance, or because you are storing the index on some multiple-node shared resource having issues with file based locking.
Using an inappropriate LockFactory will have your index corrupted! Make sure you understood the Lock design.
Core LockFactory implementations
Qualified ClassName: org.apache.lucene.store.NativeFSLockFactory
This implementation is similar to Simple{{`F}}S
Factory, they both extend F
Factory and rely on a lock file. This version relies on N
O and the lock files will be properly removed (by the O
S) if the J
M has an abnormal exit, but should be avoided on N
`S: make sure you read the javadocs for updated details. Because the lock is obtained for the current process different applications in the same J{{`V}}`M might not be excluded properly; Lucene makes an attempt to prevent this issue using a static reference to owned locks, but when loaded in an isolated classloader or when reloading the same web application this workaround is not effective.
Qualified ClassName: org.apache.lucene.store.NoLockFactory
As the name reminds, this LockFactory will not do anything. This is useful when you're sure that only one thread at a time will ever attempt to apply changes to the index. Using it could be reasonable when your application is designed in such a way, and you can also guarantee that no other processes will attempt to apply changes. If you're not sure to meet these rare requirements, avoid it.
Qualified ClassName: org.apache.lucene.store.SimpleFSLockFactory
This implementation is similar to Native{{`F}}S
Factory, they both extend F
Factory and rely on a lock file. This is the default implementation of F
Directory: it will write a lockfile to filesystem when the lock is acquired and delete the file when it's released, making it a safe choice for almost all configurations. The drawback of this implementations is that it might happen when the J
`M holding the lock crashes that you have to manually remove the stale lock file.
Qualified ClassName: org.apache.lucene.store.SingleInstanceLockFactory
Uses an object instance to represent the lock, so this is usefull when you are certain that all modifications to the a given index are running against a single shared in-process Directory instance. This is currently the default locking for R{{`A}}M
Directory, but it could also make sense on a F
`Directory provided the other processes use the index in read-only.
Qualified ClassName: org.apache.lucene.store.VerifyingLockFactory
This Lock{{`Factory was designed to test other implementations, it's recommended to read it's javadocs and make use of it when you want to implement your own Lock}}`Factory.
Additional implementations of interest
Infinispan LockFactory
Qualified ClassName: org.infinispan.lucene.locking.LuceneLockFactory
Infinispan is an open source data grid platform written in Java: http://www.jboss.org/infinispan
It includes a distributed Directory implementation for Lucene and a Lock{{`Factory. While this Lock}}`Factory implementation was designed initially to be used with Infinispan Directory it might also be useful combined with other Directory implementations.
This Lock implementation uses Infinispan and J{{`Groups behind the scenes to provide auto-discovery at network level, making it interesting for both network shared Directories or local Directories shared by applications in multiple J}}V
`Ms to have a reliable lock independent from the file-system; when combined with it's sister Directory you also get nice dynamic reconfiguration features, as nodes will find each-other without having to maintain configuration files.
For more information refer to Infinispan's documentation, especially this wiki page.
:TODO: add other implementations here