- Grant's Grunts: Lucene edition - Grant Ingersoll's thoughts on the Lucene ecosystem.
- Lucid Imagination's Blog - Many of the Lucene and Solr committers blog here about how to use Lucene and Solr
- Sematext Blog - Search and Analytics covering Lucene, Solr, Nutch, Hadoop, HBase, and more
- Sigram Blog: Lucene - Blog on Lucene, Solr, Nutch, Hadoop, etc, by Andrzej Bialecki
"Lucene in Action, Second Edition" by Erik Hatcher, Otis Gospodnetić, and Michael McCandless
- "Building Search Applications: Lucene, LingPipe, and Gate" by Manu Konchady; Mustru Publishing; June 2008; ISBN 978-0615204253
-! "Apache Lucene 入門 ~Java・オープンソース・全文検索システムの構築" 関口 宏司 ; 技術評論社 ; 2006/05/17 ; ISBN: 4774127809 (Introduction to Apache Lucene: Construction of Java Open Source Full Text Retrieval Systems by Koshi Sekiguti ; Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd.)
- "Lucene In Action" by Erik Hatcher, Otis Gospodnetić; Manning Publications; December 2004; ISBN 1932394281 (also available from
-! Manfred Hardt, Dr. Fabian Theis: "Suchmaschinen entwickeln mit Apache Lucene"; Software & Support Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, Germany; September 2004; ISBN 3935042450 (Developing Search Engines with Apache Lucene)
- Getting Started with Lucene (by Grant Ingersoll)
(Published: January 2009 - article)
- Optimizing Findability in Lucene and Solr (by Grant Ingersoll)
(Published: January 2009 - article)
- Debugging Relevance Issues in Search (by Grant Ingersoll)
(Published: January 2009 - article)
- Scaling Lucene and Solr (by Mark Miller)
(Published: January 2009 - article)
- Introduction to Apache Lucene and Solr (by Marc Krellenstein)
(Published: January 2009 - article)
- How MoreLikeThis Works in Lucene (by Aaron Johnson)
(Last updated: March 2008 - blog entry)
- Lucene Wikipedia indexer (by Marco Schmidt)
(Last updated: November 2007 - tutorial)
- Running Lucene inside your Oracle JVM (by Marcelo Ochoa)
(Last updated: September 2007 - blog entry)
- Using the Lucene Query Parser Without Lucene (by Marcin Maciukiewicz and Daniel Owsiański)
(Published: May 2007 - article)
- Integrate advanced search functionalities into your apps (by John Ferguson Smart)
(Published: September 2006 - article)
- Beef up Web search applications with Lucene (by Deng Peng Zhou)
(Published: August 2006 - article)
- Lecture & Etc : Lucene index file format for Korean (by Jeon Hee-Won)
(Published: July 2006 - article)
- Cai Ziegler: "Suche nach Suche – Apaches Lucene: eigene Suche und Indizierung"; iX 6/2006, Seite 120; Heise Zeitschriften Verlag, Hannover, Germany
- Delve inside the Lucene indexing mechanism (by Deng Peng Zhou)
(Published: June 2006 - article)
- Using Lucene to Search Java Source Code (by Renuka Sindhgatta)
(Published: January 2006 - article)
- Lucene : a tutorial introduction to full-text indexing in Java (by John Ferguson Smart)
(Published: October 2005 - article)
- Daniel Naber: "Herr der Suche – Eigene Anwendungen mit Volltextsuche erweitern"; c't 7/2005, Seite 196; Heise Zeitschriften Verlag, Hannover, Germany
- Behind the Scenes of the Search System (by Chris Conrad)
(Last updated: June 2005 - blog entry)
- Did You Mean: Lucene? (by Tom White)
(Published: August 2005 - article)
- Meet Lucene (by Otis Gospodnetić, Eric Hatcher)
(Published: March 2005 - article)
- I Love Lucene (by Dion Almaer)
(Published: January 2005 - article)
- Unweaving a Tangled Web With HTMLParser and Lucene (by Keld H. Hansen)
(Last updated: October 2004 - tutorial)
- Lucene Introduction in Turkish Java Bazlı Arama Motoru - Lusin (by Burak Bayramlı)
(Last updated: August 2004 - tutorial)
- Lucene Introduction in Chinese Lucene:基于Java的全文检索引擎简介 (by Che Dong; 作者: 车东)
(Last updated: May 2004 - tutorial)
- Lucene In-Memory Text Search (by Philip Isenhour)
(Last updated: May 2004 - tutorial)
- The Lucene Search Engine: Adding Search to Your Applications (by Thomas Paul)
(Published: April 2004 - article)
- Lucene Tutorial (by Steven J. Owens)
(Last updated: March 2004 - tutorial)
- Lucene Introduction in French Exposés Système sur le thème de l'opensource : Analyse de la structure de Lucene. (by Sun Seng TAN)
(Last updated: February 2004 - tutorial)
- QueryParser Rules (by Erik Hatcher)
(Published November 2003 - article)
- Give your Web site its own search engine using Lucene (by Jeffrey Linwood)
(Published July 2003 - article)
- Lucene Intro (by Erik Hatcher)
(Published: July 2003 - article)
- Parsing, indexing, and searching XML with Digester and Lucene (by Otis Gospodnetić)
(Published June 2003 - article)
- Using Python, Jython, and Lucene to Search Outlook Email (by Jon Udell)
(Published: May 2003 - article)
- Advanced Text Indexing with Lucene (by Otis Gospodnetić)
(Published: March 2003 - article)
- Introduction to Text Indexing with Apache Jakarta Lucene (by Otis Gospodnetić)
(Published: January 2003 - article)
- Manfred Hardt: "Suchmaschinen entwickeln mit Java und Lucene - Wo war denn noch gleich ... ?"; JavaMagazin 9/2002; Software & Support Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
- Lucene Mini-Tutorial (by funzel)
(Last updated: April 2002 - tutorial)
- The Lucene search engine Powerful flexible and free (by Brian Goetz)
(Published September 2000 - article)
- Lucene Resources - Articles, Books, FAQs, Forums, Presentations, Wiki.
- Lucene Search Forum - hosted by Nabble archiving all Lucene and Nutch mailing lists into a searchable archive/forum. The search is coded using Lucene.
- - Tips and tricks, sample applications, code samples, best practices.
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