Developers ( - the developers mailing list is used to discuss the technical future of Lucene.Net. This mailing list also receives JIRA items and comments and notifications from github
- To subscribe send an email to from the email address you wish to subscribe with
- To unsubscribe send an email to from the email address you wish to unsubscribe with
Users ( - a list for general how-to questions and getting help from the community. Most (if not all) of our developers are also subscribed to this list
- To subscribe send an email to from the email address you wish to subscribe with
- To unsubscribe send an email to from the email address you with you unsubscribe with
Commits ( - to keep track of all source code submits to our repository
- To subscribe send an email to from the email address you wish to subscribe with
- To unsubscribe send an email to from the email address you with you unsubscribe with