Maven Plugins
Java 9 and Jigsaw, its module project, introduce changes that cause some plugin warnings or even failures, or require upgrades to benefit from new features:
groupId | artifactId | affected goal | Plugin Name | Minimum Compatible Version | Related Issues |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-compiler-plugin | compile, testCompile | Maven Compiler Plugin | 3.7.0 | required to compile module-info files requires plexus-compiler 2.8.1 |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-ear-plugin | ear | Maven EAR Plugin | 3.0.0 | |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-ejb-plugin | ejb | Maven EJB Plugin | 3.0.0 | |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-enforcer-plugin | RequireJavaVersion rule | Maven Enforcer Plugin | 3.0.0-M1 | |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-failsafe-plugin | integration-test | Maven Failsafe Plugin | 2.20.1 (argLine) (removed JAXB) 2.21.0 (introduced Jigsaw) | |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-jar-plugin | Maven Jar Plugin | |||
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-javadoc-plugin | jar, javadoc, aggregate | Maven Javadoc Plugin | 3.0.0-M1 | |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-jdeps-plugin | jdkinternals, test-jdkinternals | Maven JDeps Plugin | 3.1.0 | |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-plugin-plugin | descriptor | Maven Plugin Plugin | 3.5 | |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-site-plugin | site | Maven Site Plugin | 3.7 | |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-surefire-plugin | test | Maven Surefire Plugin | 2.20.1 (argLine) (removed JAXB) 2.21.0 (introduced Jigsaw) | |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-surefire-report-plugin | Maven Surefire Report Plugin | 2.20.1 | ||
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-war-plugin | Maven War Plugin | 3.1.0 | ||
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-component-metadata | 1.7 |
Some issues are in components that are reused over and over
groupId | artifactId | Component Name | Minimum Compatible Version | Related Issues |
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-archiver | Plexus Archiver | 3.0.3 | #13 |
org.apache.maven.doxia | doxia-sitetools | Doxia Sitetools | 1.7.5 |
Third party components
groupId | artifactId (order by) | Minimum compatible Version | Contact | Details | Exposed when compiling |
org.apache.commons | commons-utils | 3.5 | Parsing of "9" as Java version is broken. Any reference to SystemUtils will fail due to a static initialization. | ||
org.ow2.asm | asm | 6.0_BETA | Remi Forax | || | error_prone_core | ? | /maven-compiler-plugin/src/it/error-prone-compiler | ||
org.codehaus.gmaven | gmaven-plugin | ? | At least start switching to | /maven-compiler-plugin/src/it/mcompiler-21_methodname-change | |
org.codehaus.groovy | groovy-all | 2.4.8 | setup/verify-scripts used by maven-invoker-plugin | ||
org.vafer | jdependency | 1.2 | Torsten Curdt | /maven-shade-plugin/src/it/mini-jar-respect-includes | |
com.thoughtworks.qdox | qdox | 2.0-M4 | Robert Scholte | ||
org.apache.openjpa | openjpa | Mark Struberg | /maven-compiler-plugin/src/it/MCOMPILER-197 | ||
none, will be replaced. | Mathias (sirthias) | Pegdown, which uses parboiled and is not maintained actively any more, is being replaced with flexmark-java: see DOXIA-553 | doxia-module-markdown | ||
org.eclipse.sisu | sisu-inject | Stuart McCulloch | Maven-3.4.0-SNAPSHOT | ||
com.thoughtworks.xstream | xstream | Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.util.Comparator java.util.TreeMap.comparator accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module Happens while initializing org.apache.maven.plugins.war.util.WebappStructureSerializer. Workaround: only register the required converters | maven-war-plugin |