

The ErrorGeneratingFilter is an IoFilter with to introduce random error in your data streams. The filter can insert/delete/modify bytes from the data stream with a specified probability.

The Code

To use an ErrorGeneratingFilter:

  • Instantiate Error Generating Filter
  • Set probability for modifying data stream (insert/delete/modify)
  • Enable manipulation for read/write data
  • Add to the filter chain

Instantiating the filter

ErrorGeneratingFilter egf = new ErrorGeneratingFilter();

Set Probability for modifying Data Stream

For activate the change of some bytes in your IoBuffer, for a probability of 200 out of 1000 IoBuffer processed :


or activate the insertion of some bytes in your IoBuffer, for a probability of 200 out of 1000 :


And for the removing of some bytes :


Enable manipulation of read/write data

You can activate the error generation for write or read with the following methods :

egf.setManipulateReads(true); egf.setManipulateWrites(true);

Now add it to filter chain, it'll generate the error at the given probability.

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