Release tags should include apache jars 

IssueAction ItemAssigneeStatus
Not enough test coverage on Mac reduces the stability of MXNet on MacOS. Untested features on Mac may potentially become blockers of the release.   
The template email for voting on general@ has missing information regarding how fingerprint/key can be retrieved.
  • Update the instructions in "Release Process" wiki
New PRs with license change need to be properly notified and reviewed. Hopefully RAT check can be integrated as part of the nightly test. Otherwise new license issues will potentially block new releases.   
Broken link checks should be part of CI.   
The default source code zip file of a new release generated by Github doesn't include submodule source code, which means users cannot download the zip file on GitHub release page (e.g. We need to upload complete code like the ones in
  • Update the instructions in "Release Process" wiki
  • Update all previous releases with full source code and should be only updated on the release branch after the release branch is cut. It should not be updated on the master branch until the release has passed voting and officially announced. Otherwise broken links (links to the release tag) in NEWS/README will be visible to all users.
  • Update the instructions in "Release Process" wiki
For pgp key generation, apache email instead of personal email must be used. Release candidates signed with keys with personal email is invalid.
  • Update the instructions in "Release Process" wiki
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