MyFaces Quarterly Report April 2012
Apache MyFaces is a project of the Apache Software Foundation,
and hosts several sub-projects relating to the JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology.
- No new Committers
- No new PMC Members
- No new Contributors
- Changed to status emeritus (first status update - see
- Adam Winer
- Alexander Bell
- Anton Koinov
- Arvid Hülsebus
- Bernhard Huemer
- Bill Dudney
- Craig R. McClanahan
- Daniel Robinson
- Dennis Byrne
- Detlef Bartetzko
- Ernst Fastl
- Gerald Muellan
- James Holmes
- James Mitchell
- John Robert Fallows
- Jurgen Lust
- Lance Frohman
- Mathias Broekelmann
- Oliver Rossmueller
- Paul McMahan
- Paul Spencer
- Peter Mahoney
- Philippe Hennes
- Sean Schofield
- Sharath Reddy
- Simon Kitching
- Sylvain Vieujot
- Ted Husted
- Travis Reeder
- Wendy Smoak
- MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report:
- MyFaces Core 2.0.12
- MyFaces Core 2.1.6
- MyFaces Extensions CDI (CODI) 1.0.3
- MyFaces Extensions CDI (CODI) 1.0.4
- MyFaces Extensions Scripting 1.0.2
- MyFaces Trinidad 2.0.1
- MyFaces Tobago 1.0.39
- MyFaces Tobago 1.5.2
- MyFaces Tobago 1.5.3
- MyFaces Tobago 1.5.4
- MyFaces Commons20
- MyFaces Master POM 12
- MyFaces Master POM 13
- MyFaces Master POM 14
Project Branding
1 Comment
Gerhard Petracek
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