MyFaces Quarterly Report April 2015

The Apache MyFaces project is an umbrella project of the Apache Software Foundation
for projects relating to the JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology.


  • No new Committers (since November 2013)

  • No new PMC Members (since July 2011)

  • No new Contributors

The MyFaces community is stable. Besides working on new releases, we discuss upcoming topics.
-> Community business as usual (nothing special to report).



  • MyFaces (sub) projects with new releases since the last report:
    • MyFaces Core 2.0.23 (12/January/15)
    • MyFaces Core 2.1.17 (12/January/15)
    • MyFaces Core 2.2.7 (12/January/15)
    • MyFaces Tobago 2.0.6 (24/February/15)
    • MyFaces Tobago 2.0.7 (22/March/15)


The TCK issue mentioned in our January report for 2014 still exists. Werner Punz[1] and Leonardo Uribe[2] discussed the impacts of this issue and the impacts are summarized as follows:

  • It reduces our marketability, since consumers are more likely to pick an open-source JSF implementation certified as "TCK-compliant" over a non-certified one.
  • It reduces our ability to be distributed as part of a Java EE stack, such as Apache TomEE and Apache Geronimo, since their TCK certification depends upon our TCK certification.


There are no new issues that require the board's attention at this time.


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