The following test plan should be executed against an Apache Mynewt release candidate before a vote is called. This is a very minimal test plan and is a work in progress
Units under test
- nordic_pca10028 (optional if application doesn't fit)
- nordic_pca10040
- nordic_pca10056
- nordic_pca10095
- dialog_da1469x-dk-pro
TODO: provide targets for testing in repo
- [Peer devices: iPhone/LightBlue, OSX/LightBlue, Galaxy/NRFConnect]
- Central connects and disconnects several times; ensure:
- bleprph does not crash
- bleprph immediately resumes advertising after disconnect
- Central initiates pairing
- Central restores encrypted connection via bonding
Here are the targets that were used. See the testing notes below for BLE_SM_SC. To test legacy pairing this value should be 0.
targets/nordic_pca10028_bleprph app=@apache-mynewt-nimble/apps/bleprph bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nordic_pca10028 build_profile=optimized syscfg=BLE_SM_BONDING=1:BLE_SM_OUR_KEY_DIST=7:BLE_SM_THEIR_KEY_DIST=7:LOG_LEVEL=255 targets/nordic_pca10040_bleprph app=@apache-mynewt-nimble/apps/bleprph bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nordic_pca10040 build_profile=optimized syscfg=BLE_SM_BONDING=1:BLE_SM_OUR_KEY_DIST=7:BLE_SM_SC=1:BLE_SM_THEIR_KEY_DIST=7:LOG_LEVEL=0:OS_MAIN_STACK_SIZE=1024:BLE_MAX_CONNECTIONS=2 targets/nordic_pca10056_bleprph app=@apache-mynewt-nimble/apps/bleprph bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nordic_pca10056 build_profile=optimized syscfg=BLE_SM_BONDING=1:BLE_SM_OUR_KEY_DIST=7:BLE_SM_SC=1:BLE_SM_THEIR_KEY_DIST=7:LOG_LEVEL=0:OS_MAIN_STACK_SIZE=1024:BLE_MAX_CONNECTIONS=2
Testing Notes
- To test the legacy pairing, you need to read the characteristic with the encryption required permission. The bleprph application has two services. One of the services has one characteristic, the other has two of them. The UUID with two characteristics is the one you want.
- With OSX/Light Blue, the application does not ask you to pair. It just does it automatically. When using LightBlue on the iPhone, it asks you to pair.
- To test the third bullet (central restores encrypted connection), after you have paired all you need to do is disconnect and reconnect. You should then be able to read the characteristic again without having to pair.
- To test the fourth bullet item, you need to build with BLE_SM_SC: 1. Normally, you build with BLE_SM_SC: 0 for the previous tests.
Run automated test suite against supported devices with BTPTesterCore automation tool.
Currently supoported devices:
- Mynewt with bttester app
- Android running BTPTesterAndroid
targets/nordic_pca10028_bttester app=@apache-mynewt-nimble/apps/bttester bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nordic_pca10028 build_profile=optimized syscfg=BLE_MESH=0:CONSOLE_RTT=0:MSYS_1_BLOCK_COUNT=40:MSYS_1_BLOCK_SIZE=120:OS_MAIN_STACK_SIZE=320:SHELL_TASK=0 targets/nordic_pca10040_bttester app=@apache-mynewt-nimble/apps/bleprph bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nordic_pca10040 build_profile=optimized targets/nordic_pca10056_bttester app=@apache-mynewt-nimble/apps/bleprph bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nordic_pca10056 build_profile=optimized
- btshell as peripheral
- [Peer devices: iPhone/LightBlue or nRFConnect, Linux/Bluez]
Peripheral performs undirected advertising
Central pairs with peripheral
Central restores encrypted connection via bonding
Central reads characteristic
Central writes characteristic
Central enables indications
Peripheral sends indication when characteristic changes
Two centrals connect to peripheral
btshell as central
[Peer devices: iPhone/LightBlue or nRFConnect, Linux/Bluez]
General connection establishment procedure
- Service discovery
Central pairs with peripheral
Central restores encrypted connection via bonding
Central reads characteristic
Central writes characteristic
Central enables indications
Central connects to two peripheral
- Using Bluez as a host
- Connect to a third-party device (either master or slave).
- Send some data (e.g., service discovery).
- Ensure connection stays up.
Bluetooth 5 features
- follow btshell procedures with BT5 enabled (using legacy advertising and connections creation)
- repeat above using different PHYs combinations (1M/1M, 1M/coded, 1M/2M, coded/coded)
- advertise with large (>31 bytes) data and verify if all data is received on scanner
- repeat above for all PHYs combinations
- using blehci sample and Linux host test advertising using 2 instances (TODO add hcitool instructions)
Over-the-Air Image Upgrade Over BLE
- Build and load boot loader
- Build, create image with version 1.0.0, and load bleprph using serial connection.
Create newtmgr conn profile for ble. Example:
newtmgr conn add mybleprph type=ble connstring="peer_name=nimble-bleprph"
- Run newtmgr image list command to verify the connection and the image is loaded. Example:
newtmgr image list -c mybleprph
- Run newt create-image command to create bleprph image with version 2.0.0
- Run: newtmgr image upload command to ensure the new image is uploaded. Example:
newtmgr image upload -c mybleprph ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/myperiph/app/apps/bleprph/bleprph.img
- Run newtmgr image list command to verify the image is uploaded.
Bluetooth Mesh
configure and flash blemesh app
connect to provisioner and provision the device
test on/off model
Test with Android
download and install Bluetooth Mesh by Silicon Labs app from Play Store on a phone
configure and flash blemesh app
in app scan for the device
connect to the device, enter authentication code
set model for the device to on/off model
test on/off model