Apache NetBeans (incubating) 9.0 is the Apache NetBeans incubator release of the NetBeans Java SE IDE, i.e., the NetBeans Platform that underpins NetBeans IDE, together with all the features and tools applicable to general Java development – including Java Swing, JavaFX, and the support created specifically for Java 9, i.e., JShell, JLink, and Jigsaw.
The features making up the 9.0 release are listed here: Apache NetBeans 9.0 New and Noteworthy
Vote Threads
NetCAT upload announcement:
PPMC votes:
https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/c4b51a9518e064affb312e33c5c7df9a7f908d0d6e663938d505798c@%3Cdev.netbeans.apache.org%3E (vote candidate 2)
https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/a644bb8e3ba2cbd06328bb004f1b18b4171763cd3d78a9131615f687@%3Cdev.netbeans.apache.org%3E (vote candidate 3)
PPMC vote candidate 3 result:
IPMC vote:
IPMC vote result:
IPMC announce:
NetBeans announce:
Apache announce:
Candidates for Cherry Picking
- Ant 1.10.4 is released in the meantime. - NETBEANS-781Getting issue details... STATUS
- Replace old logo and URL with new Logo and URL on Start Page https://github.com/apache/incubator-netbeans/pull/583
The plan
- Fix blockers: (can only be verified that they're fixed once there's a vote candidate) Getting issues...
- Fix these: Apache NetBeans 9.0 RC1
- Verify update center works on the NBMs currently uploaded, i.e.: https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/incubator/netbeans/incubating-netbeans-java/incubating-9.0-rc1/nbms
- Put the vote candidate together, then community acceptance survey, then PPMC vote, then IPMC vote, then release.