Recently, and with a bit of effort, I got db1.spack up and running on nutch trunk. I decided to keep track of what I did to get db2.spack up and running, and contribute this tutorial.
Install Ubuntu
Here are some minimal steps:
- get either the Desktop or Server Version from
- boot and install
- familiarize yourself with: sudo su -
Add Nutch User
Let's add a nutch user to do our nutch stuff
# adduser nutch
I tried to get java from normal apt sources and I am guessing it is my Athlon that broke me. I broke down and got java from Sun (, the Download JDK 5.0 Update 4 link. I tried getting the 1.4.2 and it didn't work, but 1.5.0 worked.
root@db2:/opt# ./jdk-1_5_0_04-linux-amd64.bin
You might also want to follow the instructions for Debian-izing the Sun JDK:
Let's put JAVA_HOME in our ~/.bash_profiles, and source said ~/.bash_profiles for root and nutch
# echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.5.0_04' >> ~/.bash_profile # . ~/.bash_profile nutch@db2:~$ echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.5.0_04' >> ~/.bash_profile nutch@db2:~$ . ~/.bash_profile
Add the Multiverse to your sources.list or use the GUI:
System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager
Settings -> Repositories
With the new apt sources, let's update
# apt-get update
And get the packages we need.
# apt-get install subversion ant ant-optional lynx
subversion is used to get nutch, ant is used to build nutch and lynx is used to test nutch.
Build Nutch Code and Index
Let's change over to the nutch user
# su - nutch
Checkout the code AND the gora code
nutch@db2:~$ svn checkout nutch nutch@db2:~$ cd nutch nutch@db2:~$ svn checkout
Since this tutorial is for getting trunk to work, let's go there
nutch@db2:~ $ cd ~/nutch
We build with ant
nutch@db2:~/nutch $ ant
And build a war for tomcat and later searching
nutch@db2:~/nutch/trunk $ ant war
Follow the nutch tutorial ( to build a index, or for a simple index:
If you are using the latest "trunk" stuff, the url seeding has been changed from a single file to a directory. Using trunk (after 0.7.2), put the urls in a file (here, called "nutch") in a DIRECTORY called "urls":
nutch@db2:~/nutch $ mkdir urls nutch@db2:~/nutch $ echo '' > urls/nutch
Using 0.7.2 or before, just put urls in a FILE called "urls":
nutch@db2:~/nutch $ echo '' > urls
Then, in any case, you specify in the same fashion ("urls" below referring either to a dir or a file, depending on the version you're using):
nutch@db2:~/nutch $ perl -pi -e 's|MY.DOMAIN.NAME||' \ conf/crawl-urlfilter.txt nutch@db2:~/nutch $ src/bin/nutch crawl urls -dir crawl.test -depth 3
See, perl can be useful
Again, I tried apt without much luck, so I downloaded tomcat from Apache (
As above, I put the java stuff in /opt
root@db2:/opt# tar -xzvf jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31.tar.gz
Out with the old and in with the new
# rm -rf /opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31/webapps/ROOT* # cp ~nutch/nutch/trunk/build/nutch-0.8-dev.war \ /opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31/webapps/ROOT.war
Let's move to where we put the index
# cd ~nutch/nutch/trunk/crawl.test
And start tomcat from there
# /opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31/bin/ start
Connect to tomcat and perform a search.
$ lynx localhost:8080
I searched for 'nutch' and all was well! (you can use <TAB> to get to the search input in lynx)
Tutorial written by Earl Cahill, 2005