The following script does whole-web-crawling incrementally.
Input: a list of urls to crawl
Output: Nutch will continuously fetch $it_size urls from the input list, index and merge them with the whole-web index (so that they can be immediately searched) until all urls have been fetched.
Tested with Nutch-1.2 release (see tests output); If you don't have Nutch set up, follow this tutorial.
Script Editions:
- Abridged using Solr (tersest)
- Unabridged with explanations and using nutch index and local fs cmds (beginner)
- Unabridged with explanations, using solr and Hadoop fs cmds (advanced)
Please report any bug you find on the mailing list and to me.
1. Abridged using Solr (tersest)
#!/bin/sh # # Created by Gabriele Kahlout on 27.03.11. # The following script crawls the whole-web incrementally; Specifying a list of urls to crawl, nutch will continuously fetch $it_size urls from a specified list of urls, index and merge them with our whole-web index, so that they can be immediately searched, until all urls have been fetched. # It assumes that you have setup Solr and it's running on port 8080. # # TO USE: # 1. $ mv whole-web-crawling-incremental $NUTCH_HOME/whole-web-crawling-incremental # 2. $ cd $NUTCH_HOME # 3. $ chmod +x whole-web-crawling-incremental # 4. $ ./whole-web-crawling-incremental # Usage: ./whole-web-crawling-incremental [it_seedsDir-path urls-to-fetch-per-iteration depth] # Start rm -r crawl seedsDir=$1 it_size=$2 depth=$3 indexedPlus1=1 #indexedPlus1 urls+1 because of tail. Never printed out it_seedsDir="$seedsDir/it_seeds" rm -r $it_seedsDir mkdir $it_seedsDir allUrls=`cat $seedsDir/*url* | wc -l | sed -e "s/^ *//"` it_crawldb="crawl/crawldb" while [[ $indexedPlus1 -le $allUrls ]] do rm $it_seedsDir/urls tail -n+$indexedPlus1 $seedsDir/*url* | head -n$it_size > $it_seedsDir/urls bin/nutch inject $it_crawldb $it_seedsDir i=0 while [[ $i -lt $depth ]] do echo echo "generate-fetch-updatedb-invertlinks-index-merge iteration "$i":" cmd="bin/nutch generate $it_crawldb crawl/segments -topN $it_size" output=`$cmd` if [[ $output == *'0 records selected for fetching'* ]] then break; fi s1=`ls -d crawl/segments/2* | tail -1` bin/nutch fetch $s1 bin/nutch updatedb $it_crawldb $s1 bin/nutch invertlinks crawl/linkdb -dir crawl/segments bin/nutch solrindex http://localhost:8080/solr/ $it_crawldb crawl/linkdb crawl/segments/* ((i++)) ((indexedPlus1+=$it_size)) done done rm -r $it_seedsDir
2. Unabridged with explanations and using nutch index and local fs cmds (beginner)
#!/bin/sh # # Created by Gabriele Kahlout on 27.03.11. # The following script crawls the whole-web incrementally; Specifying a list of urls to crawl, nutch will continuously fetch $it_size urls from a specified list of urls, index and merge them with our whole-web index, so that they can be immediately searched, until all urls have been fetched. # # TO USE: # 1. $ mv whole-web-crawling-incremental $NUTCH_HOME/whole-web-crawling-incremental # 2. $ cd $NUTCH_HOME # 3. $ chmod +x whole-web-crawling-incremental # 4. $ ./whole-web-crawling-incremental # Usage: ./whole-web-crawling-incremental [it_seedsDir-path urls-to-fetch-per-iteration depth] # Start function echoThenRun () { # echo and then run the command echo $1 $1 echo } echoThenRun "rm -r crawl" # fresh crawl if [[ ! -d "build" ]] then echoThenRun "ant" fi seedsDir="seeds" if [[ $1 != "" ]] then seedsDir=$1 fi it_size=10 if [[ $2 != "" ]] then it_size=$2 fi indexedPlus1=1 #indexedPlus1 urls+1 because of tail. Never printed out it_seedsDir="$seedsDir/it_seeds" rm -r $it_seedsDir mkdir $it_seedsDir allUrls=`cat $seedsDir/*url* | wc -l | sed -e "s/^ *//"` echo $allUrls" urls to crawl" it_crawldb="crawl/crawldb" depth=1 if [[ $3 != "" ]] then depth=$3 fi while [[ $indexedPlus1 -le $allUrls ]] #repeat generate-fetch-updatedb-invertlinks-index-merge loop until all urls are fetched do rm $it_seedsDir/urls tail -n+$indexedPlus1 $seedsDir/*url* | head -n$it_size > $it_seedsDir/urls echo echoThenRun "bin/nutch inject $it_crawldb $it_seedsDir" i=0 while [[ $i -lt $depth ]] # depth-first do echo echo "generate-fetch-updatedb-invertlinks-index-merge iteration "$i":" echo cmd="bin/nutch generate $it_crawldb crawl/segments -topN $it_size" echo $cmd output=`$cmd` echo $output if [[ $output == *'0 records selected for fetching'* ]] #all the urls of this iteration have been fetched then break; fi s1=`ls -d crawl/segments/2* | tail -1` echoThenRun "bin/nutch fetch $s1" echoThenRun "bin/nutch updatedb $it_crawldb $s1" echoThenRun "bin/nutch invertlinks crawl/linkdb -dir crawl/segments" # echoThenRun "bin/nutch solrindex http://localhost:8080/solr/ $it_crawldb crawl/linkdb crawl/segments/*" # if you have solr setup you can use it by uncommenting the above command and commenting the following nutch index and merge step. # start nutch index and merge step new_indexes="crawl/new_indexes" rm -r $new_indexes $temp_indexes echoThenRun "bin/nutch index $new_indexes $it_crawldb crawl/linkdb crawl/segments/*" indexes="crawl/indexes" temp_indexes="crawl/temp_indexes" # solrindex also merged, with nutch index we've to do it: echoThenRun "bin/nutch merge $temp_indexes/part-1 $indexes $new_indexes" # work-around for (Patch available) rm -r $indexes $new_indexes mv $temp_indexes $indexes # end nutch index and merge step # you can now search the index with http://localhost:8080/solr/admin/ (if setup) or . The index is stored in crawl/indexes, while if Solr is used then in $NUTCH_HOME/solr/data/index. ((i++)) ((indexedPlus1+=$it_size)) # maybe should readdb crawl/crawldb -stats number of actually fetched, but (! going to fetch a page) --> infinite loop done echoThenRun "bin/nutch readdb $it_crawldb -stats" allcrawldb="crawl/allcrawldb" temp_crawldb="crawl/temp_crawldb" merge_dbs="$it_crawldb $allcrawldb" # work-around for (Patch available) if [[ ! -d $allcrawldb ]] then merge_dbs="$it_crawldb" fi echoThenRun "bin/nutch mergedb $temp_crawldb $merge_dbs" rm -r $allcrawldb $it_crawldb crawl/segments crawl/linkdb mv $temp_crawldb $allcrawldb done echo crawl_dump="$allcrawldb/dump" rm -r $crawl_dump $it_seedsDir echoThenRun "bin/nutch readdb $allcrawldb -dump $crawl_dump" # you can inspect the dump with $ vim $crawl_dump bin/nutch readdb $allcrawldb -stats
3. Unabridged with explanations, using solr and Hadoop fs cmds (advanced)
#!/bin/bash # # Created by Gabriele Kahlout on 27.03.11. # The following script crawls the whole-web incrementally; Specifying a list of urls to crawl, nutch will continuously fetch $it_size urls from a specified list of urls, index and merge them with our whole-web index, so that they can be immediately searched, until all urls have been fetched. # # TO USE: # 1. $ mv whole-web-crawling-incremental $NUTCH_HOME/whole-web-crawling-incremental # 2. $ cd $NUTCH_HOME # 3. $ chmod +x whole-web-crawling-incremental # 4. $ ./whole-web-crawling-incremental # Usage: ./whole-web-crawling-incremental [-f] [-i urls-to-fetch-per-iteration] [-d depth] [seedsDir-path] # Start function echoThenRun () { # echo and then run the command echo $1 $1 echo } it_size=1 depth=1 fresh=false solrIndex="http://localhost:8080/solr" seedsDir="seeds" while getopts "fi:d:" option do case $option in f) fresh=true;; i) it_size=$OPTARG;; d) depth=$OPTARG;; esac done if [[ ${@:$OPTIND} != "" ]] then seedsDir=${@:$OPTIND} fi if $fresh ; then echoThenRun "bin/hadoop dfs -rmr crawl" echoThenRun "curl --fail $solrIndex/update?commit=true -d '<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>'" #empty index fi if [[ ! -d "build" ]] then echoThenRun "ant" fi indexedPlus1=1 #indexedPlus1 urls+1 because of tail. Never printed out it_seedsDir="$seedsDir/it_seeds" bin/hadoop dfs -rmr $it_seedsDir bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir $it_seedsDir bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir crawl/crawldb rm $seedsDir/urls-local-only echoThenRun "bin/hadoop dfs -get $seedsDir/*url* $seedsDir/urls-local-only" allUrls=`cat $seedsDir/urls-local-only | wc -l | sed -e "s/^ *//"` echo $allUrls" urls to crawl" j=0 while [[ $indexedPlus1 -le $allUrls ]] #repeat generate-fetch-updatedb-invertlinks-index-merge loop until all urls are fetched do bin/hadoop dfs -rm $it_seedsDir/urls tail -n+$indexedPlus1 $seedsDir/urls-local-only | head -n$it_size > $it_seedsDir/urls-local-only bin/hadoop dfs -moveFromLocal $it_seedsDir/urls-local-only $it_seedsDir/urls it_crawldb="crawl/crawldb/$j" it_segs="crawl/segments/$j" fCrawl=`bin/hadoop dfs -test -d $it_crawldb` if [[ $fCrawl == "" ]] #doesn't exist --> fresh crawl then bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir $it_crawldb echo echoThenRun "bin/nutch inject $it_crawldb $it_seedsDir" fi i=0 while [[ $i -lt $depth ]] # depth-first do echo echo "generate-fetch-invertlinks-updatedb-index iteration "$i":" bin/hadoop dfs -rmr $it_segs bin/hadoop dfs -rm $it_crawldb/.locked $it_crawldb/..locked.crc cmd="bin/nutch generate $it_crawldb $it_segs -topN $it_size" echo echo $cmd output=`$cmd` echo $output echo if [[ $output == *'0 records selected for fetching'* ]] #all the urls of this iteration have been fetched then break; fi echoThenRun "bin/nutch fetch $it_segs/2*" echoThenRun "bin/nutch updatedb $it_crawldb $it_segs/2*" echoThenRun "bin/nutch invertlinks crawl/linkdb -dir $it_segs" echoThenRun "bin/nutch solrindex $solrIndex $it_crawldb crawl/linkdb $it_segs/*" # you can now search the index with http://localhost:8080/solr/admin/ (if setup) or . The index is stored in crawl/indexes, while if Solr is used then in $NUTCH_HOME/solr/data/index. bin/hadoop dfs -rmr $it_segs/2* echo ((i++)) done ((indexedPlus1+=$it_size)) # maybe should readdb crawl/crawldb -stats number of actually fetched, but (! going to fetch a page) --> infinite loop echoThenRun "bin/nutch readdb $it_crawldb -stats" ((j++)) done bin/hadoop dfs -rmr $it_seedsDir