What is an RTOS?
An RTOS as a library
NuttX, as with all RTOSs, is a collection of various features bundled as a library. It does not execute except when either (1) the application calls into the NuttX library code, or (2) an interrupt occurs. There is no meaningful way to represent an architecture that is implemented as a library of user managed functions with a diagram.
You can however, pick any subsystem of an RTOS and represent that in some fashion.
Kernel Threads
There are some RTOS functions that are implemented by internal threads [to be provided].
The Scheduler
Schedulers and Operating Systems
An operating system is a complete environment for developing applications. One important component of an operating system is the scheduler: That logic that controls when tasks or threads execute. Actually, more than that; the scheduler really determines what a task or a thread is! Most tiny operating systems are really not operating “systems” in the sense of providing a complete operating environment. Rather these tiny operating systems consist really only of a scheduler. That is how important the scheduler is.
Task Control Block (TCB)
In NuttX a thread is any controllable sequence of instruction execution that has its own stack. Each task is represented by a data structure called a task control block or TCB. That data structure is defined in the header file include/nuttx/sched.h
Task Lists
These TCBs are retained in lists. The state of a task is indicated both by the task_state field of the TCB and by a series of task lists. Although it is not always necessary, most of these lists are prioritized so that common list handling logic can be used (only the g_readytorun
, the g_pendingtasks
, and the g_waitingforsemaphore
lists need to be prioritized).
All new tasks start in an initial, non-running state:
volatile dq_queue_t g_inactivetasks;
- This is the list of all tasks that have been initialized, but not yet activated. NOTE: This is the only list that is not prioritized.
- When the task is initialized, it is moved to a ready-to-run list. There are two lists representing ready-to-run threads and several lists representing blocked threads. Here are the read-to-run threads:
volatile dq_queue_t g_readytorun;
- This is the list of all tasks that are ready to run. The head of this list is the currently active task; the tail of this list is always the idle task.
volatile dq_queue_t g_pendingtasks;
- This is the list of all tasks that are ready-to-run, but cannot be placed in the
list because: (1) They are higher priority than the currently active task at the head of theg_readytorun
list, and (2) the currently active task has disabled pre-emption. These tasks will stay in this holding list until pre-emption is again enabled (or until the currently active task voluntarily relinquishes the CPU).
- Tasks in the
list may become blocked. In this cased, their TCB will be moved to one of the blocked lists. When the block task is ready-to-run, its TCB will be moved back to either theg_readytorun
to the g_pendingtasks lists, depending up if pre-emption is disabled and upon the priority of the tasks.
Here are the blocked task lists:
volatile dq_queue_t g_waitingforsemaphore;
- This is the list of all tasks that are blocked waiting for a semaphore.
volatile dq_queue_t g_waitingforsignal;
- This is the list of all tasks that are blocked waiting for a signal (only if signal support has not been disabled)
volatile dq_queue_t g_waitingformqnotempty;
- This is the list of all tasks that are blocked waiting for a message queue to become non-empty (only if message queue support has not been disabled).
volatile dq_queue_t g_waitingformqnotfull;
- This is the list of all tasks that are blocked waiting for a message queue to become non-full (only if message queue support has not been disabled).
volatile dq_queue_t g_waitingforfill;
- This is the list of all tasks that are blocking waiting for a page fill (only if on-demand paging is selected).
(Reference nuttx/sched/sched/sched.h
State Transition Diagram
The state of a thread can then be easily represented with this simple state transition diagram: [to be provided]
Scheduling Policies
In order to be a real-time OS, an RTOS must support SCHED_FIFO
. That is, strict priority scheduling. The thread with the highest priority runs.... Period. The thread with the highest priority is always associated with the TCB at the head of the g_readytorun
NuttX supports one additional real-time scheduling policy: SCHED_RR
. The RR stands for round-robin and this is sometimes called round-robin scheduling. In this case, NuttX supports timeslicing: If a task with SCHED_RR
scheduling policy is running, then when each timeslice elapses, it will give up the CPU to the next task that is at the same priority. Note: (1) If there is only one task at this priority, SCHED_RR
are the same, and (2) SCHED_FIFO
tasks are never pre-empted in this way.
Task IDs
Each task is represented not only by a TCB but also by a numeric task ID. Given a task ID, the RTOS can find the TCB; given a TCB, the RTOS can find the task ID. So they are functionally equivalent. Only the task ID, however, is exposed at the RTOS/application interfaces.
NuttX Tasks
Processes vs. Threads
In larger system OS such as Windows or Linux, you will often hear the name process used to refer to threads managed by the OS. A process is more than a thread as we have been discussing so far. A process is a protected environment that hosts one or more threads. By environment we mean the set of resources set aside by the OS but in the case of the protected environment of the process we are specifically referring its address space.
In order to implement the process' address space, the CPU must support a memory management unit (MMU). The MMU is used to enforce the protected process environment.
However, NuttX was designed to support the more resource constrained, lower-end, deeply embedded MCUs. Those MCUs seldom have an MMU and, as a consequence, can never support processes as are supported by Windows and Linux. So NuttX does not support processes. NuttX will support an MMU but it will not use the MMU to support processes. NuttX operates only in a flat address space. (NuttX will use the MMU to control the instruction and data caches and to support protected memory regions).
NuttX Tasks and Task Resources
All RTOSs support the notion of a task. A task is the RTOS's moral equivalent of a process. Like a process, a task is a thread with an environment associated with it. This environment is like environment of the process but does not include a private address space. This environment is private and unique to a task. Each task has its own environment
This task environment consists of a number of resources (as represented in the TCB). Of interest in this discussion are the following. Note that any of these task resources may be disabled in the NuttX configuration to reduce the NuttX memory footprint:
1. Environment Variables. This is the collection of variable assignments of the form: VARIABLE=VALUE
2. File Descriptors. A file descriptor is a task specific number that represents an open resource (a file or a device driver, for example).
3. Sockets. A socket descriptor is like a file descriptor, but the open resource in this case is a network socket.
4. Streams. Streams represent standard C buffered I/O. Streams wrap file descriptors or sockets to provide a new set of interface functions for dealing with the standard C I/O (like fprintf()
, fwrite()
, etc.).
In NuttX, a task is created using the interface task_create()
. Reference: NuttX User Guide
The Pseudo File System and Device Drivers
A full discussion of the NuttX file system belongs elsewhere. But in order to talk about task resources, we also need to have a little knowledge of the NuttX file system.
NuttX implements a Virtual Files System (VFS) that may be used to communicate with a number of different entities via the standard open()
, close()
, read()
, write()
, etc. interfaces. Like other VFSs, the NuttX VFS will support file system mount points, files, directories, device drivers, etc.
Also, as with other VFSs, the NuttX file system will support pseudo-file systems, that is, file systems that appear as normal media but are really presented under programmatic control. In Linux, for example, you have the /proc
and the /sys
psuedo-file systems. There is no physical media underlying the pseudo-file system.
The NuttX root file system is always a psuedo-file system. This is just the opposite from Linux. With Linux the root file system must always be some physical block device (if only an initrd ram disk). Then once you have mounted the physical root file system, you can mount other file systems – including
Linux pseudo-filesystems like /proc
or /sys
. With NuttX, the root file system is always a pseudo-file system that does not require any underlying block driver or physical device. Then you can mount real filesystem in the pseudo-filesystem.
This arrangement makes life much easier for the tiny embedded world (but also
has a few limitations — like where you can mount file systems).
NuttX interacts with devices via device drivers – that is via software that controls hardware and conforms to certain NuttX conventions (see include/nuttx/fs/fs.h
). Device drivers are represented by device nodes in the pseudo-file system. By convention, these device nodes are created in the /dev directory.
Now that we have digressed a little to introduce the NuttX file system and device nodes, we can return to our discussion of task resources.
and Standard Streams
There are three special cases of I/O: stdin, stdout, and stderr. These are type FILE*
and correspond to file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 respectively. When the very first thread is created (called the IDLE thread), the special device node /dev/console is opened. /dev/console provides the stdin, stdout, and stderr for the initial task
Inheritance of the Task Environment and I/O Redirection
When one task creates a new task, that new task inherits the task resources of its parent. This includes all of the environment variables, file descriptors, and sockets (NOTE: This inheritance can be limited by special options in the NuttX configuration).
So, if nothing special is done, then every task will use /dev/console
for the standard I/O. However, a task may close file descriptor 0 through 2 and open a new device for standard I/O. Then any children tasks that are created will inherit that new re-directed standard I/O as well. This mechanism is used throughout NuttX. As examples:
In the THTTPD server to redirect socket I/O to standard I/O for CGI tasks; in the Telnet server so that new tasks inherit the Telnet session.
Tasks vs. Pthreads
Systems like Linux also support POSIX pthreads. In the Linux environment, the process is created with one thread running in it. But by using interfaces like pthread_create()
, you can create multiple threads that run and share the same process resources.
NuttX also supports POSIX pthreads and the NuttX pthreads also support this behavior. That is, the NuttX POSIX pthreads also share the resources of the parent task. However, since NuttX does not support process address environments, the difference is not so striking. When a task creates a pthread, the newly create pthread will share the environment variables, file descriptors, sockets, and streams of the parent task.
Note: These task resources are reference counted and will persist as long as a thread in the task group is still active.
Process IDs/task IDs/pthread IDs
The term process ID is standard (usually abbreviated as pid) and used to identify a task in NuttX. So, more technically, this number is a task ID as was described above. Pthreads are also described by a pthread_t
ID. In NuttX, the {{pthread_}}t ID is also the same task ID.