## Description:
Apache OFBiz is an open source enterprise automation software project
## Issues:
there are no issues requiring board attention at this time
## Activity:
- a Community Day (days in which contributors virtually meet and
work together at resolving as many tickets as possible) was held
work together at resolving as many tickets as possible) was held
on Saturday 19th March 2016: 15 Jira issues were worked on and
6 were closed
- the next Community Day is planned for Saturday 18th June 2016
## PMC changes:
- Currently 15 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Nicolas Malin on Mon Mar 23 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 40 committers.
- Gregory Draperi was added as a committer on Mon Mar 07 2016
## Releases:
- 12.04.06 was released on Mon Apr 04 2016
- 13.07.03 was released on Mon Apr 04 2016
## Mailing list activity:
mailing list activity has been steady (in terms of number of
- new features, improvements and bug fixes have been contributed
and integrated into the official code base
and integrated into the official code base
- we are working at a new version of our logo and at our website
where we are planning to refactor most of the content and the layout
- a committers survey was held; the results are published in (*)
- some good progress has been made in the refactoring
of the framework following an evolutionary step-by-step approach (**)
- the activity in the official blog and Twitter accounts is steady
- ApacheCon NA 2016: the OFBiz project has been represented by
of the framework following an evolutionary step-by-step approach (**)
- the activity in the official blog and Twitter accounts is steady
- ApacheCon NA 2016: the OFBiz project has been represented by
Sharan Foga, PMC member, that presented two talks,
one about community consensus and one about OFBiz configuration
- we have resolved all the CVEs that have been created in the last
months and we have issued bug fix releases to address the vulnerabilities;
a few days ago we got a new vulnerability report that we are currently
analyzing: we will request a new CVE if the vulnerability will be confirmed
## Health report:
The project is in an healthy phase: the community is active and friendly,
## Health report:
The project is in an healthy phase: the community is active and friendly,
communication is happening in the mailing lists, in Jira, Confluence and
on ad-hoc Skype groups.
on ad-hoc Skype groups.
The committers group is growing; we are working at growing the PMC group as well
## PMC changes:
- Currently 15 PMC members.
- No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
- Last PMC addition was Nicolas Malin on Mon Mar 23 2015
## Committer base changes:
- Currently 40 committers.
- Gregory Draperi was added as a committer on Mon Mar 07 2016
## Releases:
- 12.04.06 was released on Mon Apr 04 2016
- 13.07.03 was released on Mon Apr 04 2016
## Mailing list activity:
mailing list activity has been steady (in terms of number of
subscribers and number of emails) and similar to the ones
in previous quarters
## JIRA activity:
Jira activity is steady (with spikes during our community days)
## JIRA activity:
Jira activity is steady (with spikes during our community days)
## References: