SN | Issue ID | Summary | Test Scenarios | Remark |
1 | OFBIZ-5854 | Order On Hold Auto Approves When Edited | 1. Go to order detail page of any order which have Hold status and multiple order items. 2. Edit order by pressing Edit Items button and cancel any order item. Expected Result: Order status should not be changed. | |
2 | OFBIZ-5630 | service updateFxConversion doesn't set thruDate properly | Go to ACCOUNTING > Global GL_Settings > Foreign Exchange Rates CASE 1: fromDate is provided by user I. under section 'Update Foreign Exchange Rates' provide the details for an existing exchange rate record a. for example consider EUR to USD conversion (demo record exists already) b. let us update this exchange rate by following steps : -choose EUR as 'From Currency' and USD as 'To Currency' -provide conversion rate, fromDate & thruDate(optional) -submit the form II. Expected Results: A new record should be created with above details & old record should have thruDate set same as fromDate of new record.
CASE 2 : fromDate is not provided by user I. under section 'Update Foreign Exchange Rates' provide the details for an existing exchange rate record a. for example consider EUR to USD conversion (demo record exists already) b. let us update this exchange rate by following steps : -choose EUR as 'From Currency' and USD as 'To Currency' -provide conversion rate, thruDate(optional) & leave fromDate empty -submit the form II. Expected Results: A new record should be created with fromDate of new record & thruDate of old one set as 'current date time'.
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3 | OFBIZ-904 | Error when "Inventory Facility Id" is left blank in product store settings | As suggested, Made below changes:
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4 | OFBIZ-5416 | Testing steps: 1. Add a maxTot of 16 to productStoreShipmentMethId=9016 (FEDEX/Ground Home Delivery) on the Catalog->Store->Shipping page 2. Create a sales order for DemoCustCompany 3. Add 1 GZ-1000 to the cart and notice the total is under 16 4. Finalize the cart until reaching the shipping options page 5. Choose the "FedEx Home Delivery" option and click "Continue" 6. Click "Cart Items" to return to the cart page 7. Change the quantity of GZ-1000 to 2 and click "Recalculate Order" 8. Notice the total price of the cart has exceeded the 16 but the shipment method is still associated with the ship group Expected Behavior: User should redirected to select shipping options after recalculating and updating cart.
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