Access to add and change pages is restricted. See:

SNIssue IDSummaryTest Scenarios
    1      OFBIZ-4528                 Out of stock products screw up the pagination during category browsing    

Testing Steps:

1. Set 'showOutOfStockProducts' flag in ProductStore entity to 'N'
2. Make some products of any category 'Out Of Stock' by reducing inventory and set it to zero

Test case for ecommerce store:

1. Go to ecommerce http://localhost:8080/ecommerce/control/main
2. Browse products by clicking 'Categories' from left nav
3. Observe the counts of pagination and actual products display

Test case for ordermgr:

1. Go to ordermgr -> Order Entry (https://localhost:8443/ordermgr/control/orderentry)
2. On 'Add To Order' page of sales order creation page
3. Select products to add by selecting 'Browse Categories' from left nav.
4. Observe the counts of pagination and actual products display

Expected Result: Pagination count and number of products display should be same

2OFBIZ-5632Changing Visual theme in Order manager results in error message                         

Testing Steps:

  1. Create a sales order with option "Quick Finalize Order"
  2. As order processed successfully change theme
  3. Error will be shown on the page.

Expected Result: System should not throw error on change of theme

Reason: Last view being rendered as user sets his theme preference is causing it. At this time last view being rendered is "quickcheckout" which is actually the cause of the problem.

3OFBIZ-2618Double forward slashes in ecommerce emails

Steps to test:

  1. Enable email settings from file
  2. Create a sales order and quick ship it.
  3. System sends an order complete notification email
  4. Check Order Complete Notification email, there is a double slash in orderId link and this link does not work.

Expected Result: Link should work in emails.

4OFBIZ-5714Comment does not save

Test Case 1:

  1. Go to Order Detail page of any purchase order.
  2. Make sure comment associated with any order item.

Expected Results:

  1. Comment should be shown on order item block.
  2. If multiple comment associated with any order item then comment history should be shown for particular order item.

Test Case 2:

  1. Go to Order Detail page of any approved purchase order.
  2. Press Edit Items button for adding the order item.
  3. Add item with "Desired Delivery Date" and "Comment" through Add to Order form below order item block.

Expected Result:
Desired (Estimated) Delivery Date and Comment should be associated with created order item.

Test Case 3:

  1. Go to Order Detail page of any purchase order.
  2. Make sure comment associated with any order item.
  3. Press Edit Item button for editing the order item.
  4. Update comment of any order item.

Expected Result:
Comment should be updated for particular order item.

5OFBIZ-5728When in edit item in P.O. does not save comment or delivery date when appending

Testing Steps:

  1. Go to Order Detail page of any approved purchase order.
  2. Press Edit Items button for adding the order item.
  3. Add item with "Desired Delivery Date" and "Comment" through Add to Order form below order item block.

Expected Result:
Desired (Estimated) Delivery Date and Comment should be associated with created order item.





Error in communication screen while perfom sorting


Steps to test:

    1. Go to the partymgr component (https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/main)
    2. Click on Communications link and find communications
    3. Select any record from result
    4. On communication detail page, click any click-able table header from 'Customer Request List' section
    System throws error on refreshing page

Expected result: Page should be refresh without error

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