The structure would be based on Industry served by the contribution, with a General for contributions that fit more than one. I choose this model since the seed data files would have different data related to that industry.. By this I am talking about the actual business plan that would drive the industry.
Toplevel contributors branch
===Contributors submission
====files specific to support the submission.
1. There is no guarantee of the Ofbiz community support of the contributions. Which is also explained in the committer page of the Apache Software Foundation.
2. There will be no personal, or business references in the submission, specific to the contributor.
3. The contributor must find a committer to get changes committed, or be one.
4. The Jira system is not to be used for the contribution branch
5. People can test the contribution and may vote to include it in the trunk. This is a popularity vote and not binding, since only PMC members can have a binding vote.
6. The contribution branch gives one place to make sure all contributions are integrated with the latest trunk and each other without affecting the trunk.
7. Components not actively supported in the specialpurpose folder (plugins) get move to the contributor’s branch till interest is renewed. Moving the components would simplify maintaining the trunk, but allow people to pull it down if they want to work on and/or use it.
Michael Brohl
This is an interesting approach - not sure if this was discussed in the past?
Will be moved to Apache OFBiz Contribution and Development for now.
Jacques Le Roux
Pierre Smits
IMO, the move to git nullifies the need to have the contribution branch to be included in the official repositories.
I suggest to remove this page.
Jacques Le Roux
Done, because this was indrectly referred to by https://github.com/apache/ofbiz-framework/blob/trunk/CONTRIBUTING.adoc
Thanks Pierre