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New to Twitter

If you are new to Twitter then try reading A Beginner's Guide to Twitter. Feel free to ask any questions you have on the OFBiz mailing lists (

Apache OFBiz Twitter Feed

  • The ApacheOfbiz twitter feed is displayed on the main project website.
  • Will other community members want to also display this feed? (e.g on their own websites????) - TO DO : A question on the mailing list? / FOLLOW UP QUESTION - Which mailing list to use?? (User or Dev??)

Twitter Content

  • English will be used as the main language for Twitter.
  • The account will be used to tweet information based on the following areas:
  • General Open Source (e.g. Linux Foundation, Open Source News etc)
  • Apache Software Foundation
  • OFBiz (e.g. Project News and Current Discussions, Releases, Events / Meetups, Tutorials, OFBiz implementations Announcements)
  • Community (e.g. Collaboration, Communication Building Related Comments, Humour?? )
  • Aim to always use community member individual names where possible (Previously there was a concern regarding the marketing of integrator companies -so hopefully this will resolve these concerns)  

How to Promote Apache OFBiz on Twitter

  • Follow the @ApacheOfbiz account and help re-tweeting the messages from our account
  • Follow other members of the OFBiz community and help amplify their tweets about their work on OFBiz and OFBiz related events.
  • Watch out for tweets about OFBiz and respond to question and requests for help with OFBiz
  • Monitor the #OFBiz, #ofbiz (NOTE: Do we need to standardise on one of these????)  hashtags and use it when you post OFBiz related items
  • Keep it positive

How Not to Promote Apache OFBiz on Twitter

  • Do not negatively criticize other communities, people or vendors
  • If someone reports a  bad experience with OFBiz, offer help - but don't criticize them for reporting their findings or giving their opinion. Gentle corrections of fact are OK.
  • Don't be boring. There are many things linked to OFBiz and you will get more attention on Twitter if you talk about subjects and re-tweet other people's messages about things other than OFBiz.
  • Don't use bad, offensive or inappropriate language


  • No labels