The objective of this document is to list the OOTB OFBiz eCommerce features so that it can be used to prepare the Headless Commerce API roadmap.
This feature enables shoppers to create an account on the eCommerce website. The following information is gathered during the registration - Name, Email, Shipping Address, Phone Numbers (optional), Username and Password. After the successful registration user can log in with his account credentials (username and password), password hint.
This feature enables a registered user to log on to the website using the username and password.
It enables the user to log out of the website.
Reset Password / Forgot Password
This enabled the user to reset the password on its own without contacting the customer support team.
Get Password Hint
This enables users to see the password hint which was set during the registration and gives the user a reminder that how the password was derived. The user needs to provide the username in order to get the password hint.
Email Password
If the user is not able to recall his password even with the password hint, this feature enables users to get the password via email. The user needs to provide the username in order to get the password on the registered email.
The registered user can log in and check his profile. The profile page includes the following-
Change Password
This enables the user to change the password.
Personal Information
Personal information includes name, nickname, gender, birth date, height, weight, mother's maiden name, passport information, etc.
Update Personal Information
This enabled users to update their personal information.
Contact Information And Defaults
All the previously added contact information with the type (postal address, email addresses, phone numbers, etc) is listed under it. The user can create, update, and expire the selected contact information.
Create New Contact Information
This enables the user to add the new contact information. The user can select the contact type based on the contact information he wants to add. Available contact types -
- Electronic Address
- Postal Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Internet IP Address
- Internet Domain Name
- Web Url/Address
- Internal Party Note
- File Server
- LDAP Address
There can be different postal addresses for different purposes. The same applies to email addresses and phone numbers. During the new contact information creation, the user can associate the purpose with the postal addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers to easily distinguish among them. Purposes for Postal Addresses are- Billing(AP) Address, General Correspondance Address, Payment(AR) Address, Previous Address, Primary Address, Purchase Return Address, Shipping Destination Address, Shipping Origin Address, etc. Similar to the postal address there are purposes to distinguish email addresses and phone numbers.
Update Contact Information
This enables users to update the selected contact information.
Expire Contact Information
This enables users to expire the selected contact information.
Set Defaults
If there are multiple shipping destination addresses, this feature enables the user to mark the default. So that default address will come selected in the checkout to ease out the process.
Send Email
This enables the user to send an email directly from the profile page to the selected email address from the added email addresses.
Payment Method Information
User's previously used/saved payment methods are included here. The user can manage payment methods. Users can add new payment methods, can remove/expire payment methods, and can also mark them as default. There are three types of payment options are available -
- Credit Card
- Gift Card
- EFT Account
Create/Update/Expire Credit card
This enables the user to create a new credit card, update it, and expire it.
Create/Update/Expire Gift Card
This enables the user to create a new credit card, update it, and expire it.
Create/Update/Expire New EFT Account
This enables the user to create a new credit card, update it, and expire it.
Set Defaults
This enables the user to mark any credit card, gift card, and EFT account as default to ease out the checkout process.
Shipment Method Defaults
To further ease out the checkout process for the registered user default shipping methods can also be set based on the default shipping address. The default shipping address and default shipping method comes selected in the checkout process to make the process easier and fast.
Loyalty Points
If the registered user is eligible for any loyalty programs then loyalty points are displayed under it.
Contact Lists
This enables the user to subscribes to a list. There can be different types of subscription lists (e.g. email list) for new product arrivals, product tips newsletter. For subscribing to an email contact list an email with an opt-in verification code and a link to verify your subscription will be sent. As an alternative to the link user can enter the opt-in verify code from this section.
To improve the services and shopping experience user's feedback is very important. All modern eCommerce systems are now more focused in this direction. A list of ongoing surveys where the logged-in user can participate is listed under it. The user can fill the survey and can submit it.
This enables users to see all the email notifications sent to the customer. It can be related to order notifications or can be other related notifications.
Order History
This enables the user to see his past as well as current orders. Along with the order list, the user can access the full order detail and can view the invoice. This section includes the following-
Order history for orders entered by the user
This includes orders(past+current) placed by the customer. The detail includes the order number, status, total, link to download invoice pdf and link to see the order detail.
Order history for orders sent to the user
Downloads available title
Order Detail
This enables the user to see the complete order detail. It includes order Information, payment information, shipping information, and order items.
Order PDF
The user can download/print order pdf.
Cancel Order Item
This enables the user to cancel the ordered item until order processing is not started. If the customer cancels all the ordered items then the order will automatically get canceled.
Automatic Reorder / Recurring Order
There might be some products that users want to purchase at certain frequencies. One way is that customers manually place the order for such products whenever required. What if there is a way automating such orders.
This feature enables the user to automate such orders. The initial information will be taken from the order that the customer wants to automate. The user can set the desired frequency (eg. every day, every other day, every other month, every third day, etc.), start date, end date, shipping address, shipping method, payment method, and saved the detail with the Automatic re-order type of shopping list. The automatic order will be placed as per the recurrence set.
Order Invoice
The user can download the invoice pdf.
Request Return
This enables the user to initiate the return for the completed orders. The user can choose the order and then select the order items that he wants to return. For each return item user need to enter the return quantity, reason, and the requested response. The requested response is basically whether the user wants a refund, replacement, store credit, etc. The user also needs to provide the address from where the item(s) will be picked.
Sign Up For Contact List
This feature enabled the user to subscribe to the contact lists. Here contact list can be for a Product Tips Newsletter, New Product Announcements, etc. The user needs to enter/select the email Id for the subscription. The user can unsubscribe to any contact list later.
Catalog Selection
This feature enables the user to select from the available catalogs.
Search Catalog
This enables the user to search the products of the selected catalog. So its a simple keyword search without many options to refine the search results.
Advanced Search
This provides a much more enhanced search by giving options to refine the search. The user can search within the category, through its subcategories, set the default sorting, etc.
Search History
This enables the user to see his search history. The user can also search the products by using the search history. Moreover, the user can refine the search criteria from history and can search the products.
Category Hierarchy
This provides a very good understanding of the overall catalog. This gives the user the ability to browse among different categories quickly.
Popular Categories / Promotional Categories
The homepage is the most visited place in an eCommerce system. It's the page where the shoppers start looking at the storefront. To drag the shopper's attentions popular/promotional categories can be displayed on the home page. Top products of the category can be included along with the category image. This allows the user to know the insight of the category. The user can navigate to the category page as well as to the product detail page of the selected product.
Feature Products
Similar to popular categories, products can also be featured on the home page. This highlights the products and drags the shopper's attention. Each product in this list includes a high-level product detail(Product Name, Image, Price, etc) and the option to add the product to the cart directly from the home page. The user can configure the product and can select the variant by visiting the product detail page.
Category Products / Category Detail
This includes all the products of that category. Pagination helps to easily traverse through the products. The product summary includes- Product Image, Name, Short Description, Price, Offer Price, etc. For more detail, the user can view the product detail.
Product Detail
The product detail includes the complete detail of a product. This include-
Product Information
The product information includes - product name, description, price, offer price, product images.
Virtual Product - Variant Selection
This enables the user to select different variants in the case of virtual products.
Configurable Product - Configure and verify
The user can select the available configuration option in case of the configurable product.
Customer Reviews
The user can view customer reviews and can review the product.
Cross-Sell and upsell products
This feature enables the merchant to cross-sell/upsell products. Each product can have its associated cross-sell/upsell products.
Compare Products
This feature enables the user to compare products. The user can add/remove products to compare and can view the comparison of certain predefined characteristics (Price, Brand, Product Description, Long Description).
Special Offers
The information about all the special offers/promotions is included here. The user can also see the complete detail of any promotion.
Product Tags
This helps the user to tag any product with his custom tags. The user can also view the tags added by other users for that product.
Tag Cloud
This includes all the product tags added by users for different products. It enhances search. Every product tag includes the count of how many users mark the product with the same tag. So if three users tag any product with the same tag then the tag count will be 3.
Tell a Friend
This feature enables the user to share the product detail with his friends through an email. The user needs to enter the recipient email address, message(optional) to send an email.
Shopping List
A shopping list is a collection of desired products saved by customers to their user account. This allows shoppers to create personalized collections of products they want to buy and save them in their user account for future reference.
Create a Shopping List
This feature enables the user to create different types of shopping lists. A shopping list can be created to manage a wishlist, automatic re-ordres, frequent purchases, special purposes, gift registry, etc.
Edit Shopping List Detail
This enables the user to update the shopping list name, type, status (active or not), etc. The user can also update the detail regarding the automatic re-orders like recurrence, start date, end date, shipping address, shipping method, payment method, etc.
Shopping Lists
This enables the user to see all the shopping lists created by him.
Shopping List Items
Add Item
This enables the user to add products to the selected shopping list.
List Items
This enables the user to see all the items added in a particular shopping list. Item detail includes - Product Name, Product Image, Unit Price, Quantity, and Total Price
Update Item
This enables the user to update the quantities of the added product.
Remove Item
This allows the user to remove the selected item from the shopping list.
Add to Cart
This enables the user to add individual products from the shopping list to the cart.
Add Shopping List To Cart
This feature enables the user to add all the products from a shopping list to the cart in one go.
Request a Quote
Having the ability to ask for a quote for the desired products gives users an experience like they are shopping in a real store. This feature enables the user to ask a quote for the products added in a particular shopping list/shopping cart.
Create a Quote Request form shopping list
This enables the user to create a quote request from the shopping list.
Create a Quote Request form shopping cart
This enables the user to create a quote request from the shopping cart.
The user can access all his quote requests under it.
Request Detail
The user can access the complete detail of a request under it
The user can access quotes that he requested under it if the quote has been generated based on the request.
Quote Detail
The user can access the complete detail of a quote under it.
Create Order from Quote
This feature enables the user to place an order from the quote.
Shopping Cart & Checkout
Shopping Cart
The Shopping Cart in eCommerce assists the shoppers in their purchasing. It keeps all the details enter by the user regarding an order which is not placed yet.
Add Item to cart
This enables the user to add products to the cart that he wanted to purchase. Detail entered by the user like quantity, variant selection, or configuration detail will be added in the cart.
Update Cart item
This enables the user to update the quantity, variant selection, or configuration detail after adding an item to the cart.
Remove Cart Item
The user can remove any item from the cart.
Remove Cart Item in bulk
This feature enables the user to select the items and remove them in one go.
Empty Cart
This enables the user to remove all the added items from the cart at one go.
Recalculate Cart
This enables the user to manually force the system to recalculate the cart after any update, especially when promotions are applied or applied promotion is changed.
Apply Promotion / Coupon Codes
This enables the user to apply the promotion codes. The user can check the available special offers/promotions to get the best deal.
Promotion Information
The section included all the applied promotions with its total value. The User can also check the cart items use in promotion. This gives the user the detail around how many promotions are there for any cart item and how many of them are used. The detail of the promotional item in the cart is also included.
Cart Summary
This gives the user a quick way to see the cart items. It includes all the items added with quantity, name, subtotal, and the cart total.
Select/Add/Update Shipping Address
The user can select a shipping address from all the previously added/used shipping addresses. The user can add a new shipping address if there are no previous shipping addresses or want to add a new address. The user is also allowed to update the added shipping address.
Agreement Information
If there are some terms and conditions regarding the order or the item it will be listed during the checkout so that the user can select.
Tax Identification and Exemption
This enables the user to provide his tax identification numbers along with the detail for the exemption. A list of the configured tax authorities appears for the selection. The user can select the tax authority and can enter the identification number. The user can also mark whether the tax exempted for not for the selected authority.
Split Shipment By User
If the customer needs to send different items to different locations he/she may want to split up a single large order into separate shipments. This feature enables the user to split the shipment on its own. Before the split, all the cart items are considered in one group, after the split user can assign the items or the certain quantity of an item from one group to another group as per his need. For each item group, the user needs to specify the shipping address, shipping methods, shipping instructions, gift message (if it is a gift ), etc.
Shipping Methods
Based on the user's shipping address and configured shipping carrier shipping methods with the shipping charges appears. There can be multiple shipping carriers configured. The user can select any shipping methods which suites best for him.
Split Shipment User Preferences(for backend)
This feature allows the user to choose his preference regarding the order shipment. There are two choices -
- Ship all items together
- Ship items when available
Special Instructions
The user can describe special instructions regarding the shipment/order.
Email Addresses
The user can enter comma separated email addresses that will be used only for the current order. This enables the user to enter additional email addresses if required.
The user can mark if the purchased product (the shipment ) is a gift. The user can enter a gift message.
Payment Options and Methods
All the configured payment options appear so that the user can select. The available options are -
- Mail Check/Money Order
- Pay With WorldPay
- Pay with Paypal
- Gift Cards
- EFT Account
The user can add/update credit cards, gift cards, and EFT accounts detail during the checkout.
Split Payment with Gift Card
This feature allows users to pay partial payment through Gift cards and partial payment with other forms of payment(credit card etc.).
Single Use Credit Card/ Gift Card / EFT Account
This feature doesn’t force customers to first add a payment method (credit card, gift card, EFT account) then choose one of them to proceed ahead. There might be users who don’t want to save their cards. This feature gives an option to proceed without saving/adding cards etc during the checkout where the user can enter information regarding the payment method for the single purpose only without saving cards.
Review and Submit Order
This enables the user to review the complete order detail before submitting it.
Order detail should consists-
- Order Information
- Payment Information
- Shipping Information
- Order Items
- Subtotal
- Promotion applied
- Shipping & Handling Charges
- Sales Tax
- Grand Total
Order Confirmation
Once the order gets placed successfully, the order confirmation page appears. Where the user can see the order ID along with complete order detail.
Quick Checkout
Apart from the standard checkout (multi-step/multi-page), the user can use the Quick Checkout option. It provides a faster way to checkout. The user can quickly select the shipping address, shipping methods, shipment preference to ship all at once or as available, special instruction, additional email addresses, and the payment method on a single page and proceed to the final order review page.
One Page Checkout
This is another way to make the checkout process simple and faster by reducing the number of pages. The one-page checkout includes shopping cart content, Shipping addresses and options, billing detail, and the final review and submit.
Anonymous Checkout / Guest Checkout
This enables shoppers to purchase products from the eCommerce store without creating a user account and saving any information like shipping address, billing address, credit cards, etc. Standard Checkout, Quick Checkout, and One Page Checkout all these three options are available for both registered users as well as for anonymous users.
Actions/features that a shopper can not use if he doesn't have an account are -
- Shopping List
- Can not save personal information, shipping address, billing address, phone, email, credit card, etc. So every time he needs to enter the full detail.
- Split into multiple shipments
- Request a Quote
Contact Us
By using this feature the user can submit his queries to the eCommerce company.