The CAS Product Server web application allows information about file manager entities such as references, products and file transfers to be retrieved via a RESTful interface. It is a read-only service using HTTP GET methods and returning HTTP responses with status code 200 (OK) if successful. This guide gives brief details on the URL scheme used by the web application and on custom configuration files that can be used to modify outputs for certain entities in certain formats.
URLs (OODT v0.7 onwards)
The paths given in this section assume a base path of http://<host>/<web application>/<sevlet>
, where <host>
is the Tomcat server's URL, <web application>
is the path to the deployed CAS Product Server web application, and <servlet>
is the path to the JAX-RS servlet (jaxrs). For example:
Query Parameters:
productId (required) - the ID of the product that the reference belongs to refIndex (optional, default 0) - the index of the reference within the product's list of references
Available Formats:
raw data (.file) application/zip (.zip) application/xml (.xml) application/json (.json) application/rss+xml (.rss)
A representation of the reference in the requested format
Example URLs:
http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/reference?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/reference?productId=123&refIndex=4 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/reference.file?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/ http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/reference.xml?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/reference.json?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/reference.rss?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/reference.file?productId=123&refIndex=4 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/ http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/reference.xml?productId=123&refIndex=1 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/reference.json?productId=123&refIndex=0 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/reference.rss?productId=123&refIndex=3
Query Parameters:
productId (required) - the ID of the product
Available Formats:
application/zip (.zip) application/xml (.xml) application/json (.json) application/rss+xml (.rss)
A representation of the product in the requested format
Example URLs:
http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/product?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/ http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/product.xml?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/product.json?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/product.rss?productId=123
Query Parameters:
productTypeId (required) - the product type ID, or "ALL" to denote all product types
Available Formats:
application/zip (.zip) application/xml (.xml) application/json (.json) application/rdf+xml (.rdf) application/rss+xml (.rss)
A representation of the dataset in the requested format
Example URLs:
http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/dataset?productTypeId=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/ http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/dataset.xml?productTypeId=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/dataset.json?productTypeId=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/dataset.rdf?productTypeId=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/dataset.rss?productTypeId=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/dataset?productTypeId=urn:oodt:GenericFile http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/ http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/dataset.xml?productTypeId=urn:oodt:OtherProduct http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/dataset.json?productTypeId=urn:oodt:ExampleProduct http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/dataset.rdf?productTypeId=urn:oodt:SimpleProduct http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/dataset.rss?productTypeId=urn:oodt:MyProductType
Reference Transfers
Query Parameters:
dataStoreRef (required) - the data store reference for the file being transferred
Available Formats:
application/xml (.xml) application/json (.json) application/rss+xml (.rss)
A representation of the reference transfer in the requested format
Example URLs:
http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfer?dataStoreRef=file:/tmp/test1.txt http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfer.xml?dataStoreRef=file:/tmp/test2.txt http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfer.json?dataStoreRef=file:/tmp/test3.txt http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfer.rss?dataStoreRef=file:/tmp/test4.txt
Product & Dataset Transfers
Query Parameters:
productId (required) - the ID of a product or "ALL" to denote all products
Available Formats:
application/xml (.xml) application/json (.json) application/rss+xml (.rss)
A representation of the product or dataset transfer in the requested format
Example URLs:
http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfers?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfers.xml?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfers.json?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfers.rss?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfers?productId=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfers.xml?productId=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfers.json?productId=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/transfers.rss?productId=ALL
URLs (all OODT versions)
The paths given in this section assume a base path of http://<host>/<web application>, where <host> is the Tomcat server's URL, <web application> is the path to the deployed CAS Product Server web application. For example:
Query Parameters:
productId (required) - the ID of the product that the reference belongs to refIndex (optional, default 0) - the index of the reference within the product's list of references
Available Formats:
raw data
The file for the reference
Example URLs:
http://localhost:8080/fmprod/data?productId=123 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/data?productId=123&refIndex=3
The same path can also be used with the new JAX-RS servlet. For example: http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/data?productId=123&refIndex=0
Query Parameters:
productId (required) - the ID of the product format (required) - must be set to "application/x-zip"
Available Formats:
A zip archive of the product's files and metadata
Example URLs:
The same path can also be used with the new JAX-RS servlet. For example: http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/data?productId=123&format=application/x-zip
Zipped Datasets
Query Parameters:
typeID (required) - the ID of the product type or "ALL" to denote all product types
Available Formats:
A zip archive containing the metadata for the product type, along with zip archives of all products in the dataset, each of which contain the product's files and metadata.
Example URLs:
http://localhost:8080/fmprod/dataset?typeID=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/dataset?typeID=urn:oodt:GenericFile
The same path can also be used with the new JAX-RS servlet. For example: http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/dataset?typeID=ALL
RDF Datasets of Products
Query Parameters:
type (required) - "ALL" to denote all product types, or set to any other value for this parameter to be ignored id (optional) - the ID of a product type, will be used if the 'type' parameter is set to any other value except "ALL"
Available Formats:
A representation of the dataset in RDF (XML) format.
Example URLs:
http://localhost:8080/fmprod/rdf?type=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/rdf?type=other&id=urn:oodt:GenericFile
The same path can also be used with the new JAX-RS servlet. The type parameter is not needed if the id parameter is used. For example: http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/rdf?type=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/rdf?id=urn:oodt:GenericFile
RDF Datasets of Product Types
Query Parameters:
type (required) - "ALL" to denote all product types, or set to any other value for this parameter to be ignored typeID (optional) - the ID of a product type, will be used if the 'type' parameter is set to any other value except "ALL"
Available Formats:
A representation of the dataset in RDF (XML) format.
Example URLs:
http://localhost:8080/fmprod/rdf?type=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/rdf?type=other&typeID=urn:oodt:GenericFile
This feature is currently unavailable in new JAX-RS servlet. The URL can still be used, but it produces an output for product datasets rather than product type datasets. The type parameter is not needed if the typeID parameter is used. For example: http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/rdf/dataset?type=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/rdf/dataset?typeID=urn:oodt:GenericFile
RSS Datasets
Query Parameters:
channel (required) - "ALL" to denote all product types, or set to any other value for this parameter to be ignored id (optional) - the ID of a product type, will be used if the 'channel' parameter is set to any other value except "ALL" topn (optional, default 20) - limits the number of results in the output
Available Formats:
A representation of the dataset in RSS (XML) format
Example URLs:
http://localhost:8080/fmprod/viewRecent?channel=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/viewRecent?channel=ALL&topn=10 http://localhost:8080/fmprod/viewRecent?channel=other&id=urn:oodt:GenericFile http://localhost:8080/fmprod/viewRecent?channel=other&id=urn:oodt:GenericFile&topn=10
The same path can also be used with the new JAX-RS servlet, but the 'topn' feature has not yet been implemented. The channel parameter is not needed if the id parameter is used. For example: http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/viewRecent?channel=ALL http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/viewRecent?id=urn:oodt:GenericFile
Available Formats:
A representation of all current file transfers in RSS (XML) format
Example URLs:
The same path can also be used with the new JAX-RS servlet. For example: http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/viewTransfers
Configuration Files
The web application allows certain output formats (currently RDF and RSS) to be customized via XML configuration files. Below is a brief description of these files. Further information can be found in the example files supplied with the web application in the src/main/resources subdirectory.
RDF Configurations
The RDF configuration file is split into several sections as described below.
Namespace Definitions
This section is used to define namespaces. The <namespaces>
parent element encloses the section and <ns>
child elements are used to define individual namespaces. Each <ns>
element has two attributes, name to store the namespace prefix and value to store the namespace URL. For example:
<namespaces> <ns name="cas" value="urn:oodt:"/> <ns name="rdf" value=""/> <ns name="edrn" value="urn:edrn:"/> <ns name="x" value=""/> </namespaces>
Metadata Key Renaming
This section is used to rename metadata keys in the output RDF. The <rewrite>
parent element encloses the section and <key>
child elements are used to rename individual metadata keys. Each <key>
element has two attributes, from to specify the original name for the metadata key and to to specify the new name for the metadata key. For example:
<rewrite> <key from="SiteId" to="site"/> <key from="SiteName" to="site"/> <key from="ProtocolId" to="protocol"/> <key from="OrganId" to="organ"/> <key from="OrganSite" to="organ"/> <key from="ProtocolName" to="protocol"/> </rewrite>
Metadata Keys as Resource Links
This section is used to specify that certain metadata keys should be used as resource links. The <resourceLinks>
parent element encloses the section and <key>
child elements are used to identify individual metadata keys. Each <key>
element has two attributes, name to specify the metadata key and link to specify the URL for the link. For example:
<resourcelinks> <key name="SiteId" link=""/> <key name="SiteName" link=""/> <key name="ProtocolId" link=""/> <key name="ProtocolName" link=""/> <key name="OrganId" link=""/> <key name="OrganSite" link=""/> </resourcelinks>
Mapping Metadata Keys to Namespaces
This section is used to map metadata keys to the namespaces declared in the <namespaces>
section. The <keynsmap>
parent element encloses the section. This element must have a default attribute set to the default namespace to use. The <key>
child elements are used to map individual metadata keys. Each <key>
element has two attributes, name to specify the metadata key and ns to specify the namespace name, which must be defined in the <namespaces>>
section. For example:
<keynsmap default="edrn"> <key name="CAS.ProductId" ns="cas"/> <key name="CAS.ProductName" ns="cas"/> <key name="CAS.ProductReceivedTime" ns="cas"/> <key name="FileLocation" ns="cas"/> <key name="Filename" ns="cas"/> <key name="ProductType" ns="cas"/> <key name="DataVersion" ns="cas"/> <key name="MimeType" ns="cas"/> <key name="SiteId" ns="x"/> <key name="SiteName" ns="x"/> <key name="ProtocolName" ns="x"/> <key name="ProtocolId" ns="x"/> <key name="OrganId" ns="x"/> <key name="OrganSite" ns="x"/> </keynsmap>
Mapping Product Types to Namespaces
The final section maps product type names to previously declared namespaces. The <typesnsmap>
parent element encloses the section. This element must have a default attribute set to the default namespace to use. The <type>
child elements are used to map individual product types. Each <type>
element has two attributes, name to specify the product type name and ns to specify the namespace name, which must be defined in the <namespaces>>
section. For example:
<typesnsmap default="edrn"> <type name="GenericFile" ns="cas"/> </typesnsmap>
An example of a complete RDF configuration file is shown below:
<cas:rdfconf xmlns:cas=""> <namespaces> <ns name="cas" value="urn:oodt:"/> <ns name="rdf" value=""/> <ns name="edrn" value="urn:edrn:"/> <ns name="x" value=""/> </namespaces> <rewrite> <key from="SiteId" to="site"/> <key from="SiteName" to="site"/> <key from="ProtocolId" to="protocol"/> <key from="OrganId" to="organ"/> <key from="OrganSite" to="organ"/> <key from="ProtocolName" to="protocol"/> </rewrite> <resourcelinks> <key name="SiteId" link=""/> <key name="SiteName" link=""/> <key name="ProtocolId" link=""/> <key name="ProtocolName" link=""/> <key name="OrganId" link=""/> <key name="OrganSite" link=""/> </resourcelinks> <keynsmap default="edrn"> <key name="CAS.ProductId" ns="cas"/> <key name="CAS.ProductName" ns="cas"/> <key name="CAS.ProductReceivedTime" ns="cas"/> <key name="FileLocation" ns="cas"/> <key name="Filename" ns="cas"/> <key name="ProductType" ns="cas"/> <key name="DataVersion" ns="cas"/> <key name="MimeType" ns="cas"/> <!-- EDRN example --> <key name="SiteId" ns="x"/> <key name="SiteName" ns="x"/> <key name="ProtocolName" ns="x"/> <key name="ProtocolId" ns="x"/> <key name="OrganId" ns="x"/> <key name="OrganSite" ns="x"/> </keynsmap> <typesnsmap default="edrn"> <type name="GenericFile" ns="cas"/> </typesnsmap> </cas:rdfconf>
Channel Link Attribute
An optional channelLink attribute can be set on the outer tag of the configuration file to customize the RSS channel element's link attribute. In addition to other characters, the value of the channelLink attribute can contain the following metadata keys surrounded by square brackets:
[BaseUrl] - replaced by the base URL of the CAS Product Server web application [ProductType] - replaced by the value of the 'channel' parameter in the request URL [ProductTypeId] - replaced by the value of the 'id' parameter in the request URL [TopN] - replaced by the value of the 'topn' parameter in the request URL
An example is shown below:
<cas:rssconf xmlns:cas="" channelLink="[BaseUrl]?channel=[ProductType]&id=[ProductTypeId]">
Namespace Definitions
Namespaces are defined using a <namespace>>
element with a prefix attribute (for the namespace prefix) and a uri attribute (for the namespace URI). For example:
<namespace prefix="cas" uri=""/> <namespace prefix="georss" uri=""/>
Tag Definitions
Tags are defined using a <tag>
element with a required name attribute (to specify the name of the element in the output RSS) and an optional source attribute (to specify the element's text value in the output RSS). For example:
<tag name="cas:source" source="[ProductType]"/> <tag name="source" source="[ProductType]"/>
Tags can also have child <attribute>
elements that can be used to specify additional attributes for the output RSS element. Each <attribute>
element must have a name attribute (to specify the attribute's name in the RSS output tag element) and a value attribute (to specify the attribute's value in the RSS output tag element. For example:
<tag name="enclosure"> <attribute name="url" value="http://localhost:8080/fmprod/jaxrs/reference.file?productID=[CAS.ProductId]"/> <attribute name="length" value="[FileSize]"/> <attribute name="type" value="audio/mpeg"/> </tag>
An example of a complete RSS configuration file is shown below:
<cas:rssconf xmlns:cas=""> <namespace prefix="cas" uri=""/> <tag name="cas:source" source="[ProductType]"/> <tag name="source" source="[ProductType]"/> <tag name="enclosure"> <attribute name="url" value="http://localhost:8080/fmprod/data.mp3?productID=[CAS.ProductId]"/> <attribute name="length" value="[FileSize]"/> <attribute name="type" value="audio/mpeg"/> </tag> <namespace prefix="georss" uri=""/> <tag name="georss:point" source="[Latitude] [Longitude]"/> </cas:rssconf>