Catalog and Archive Service
File Manager / Crawler / PushPull
- BASH and TCSH shell tools for File Manager
- CAS File Manager Overview
- Everything you want to know about File Manager Policy
- Exploring the OODT File Manager XML-RPC Interface
- File Management
- OODT Crawler Help
- OODT Filemgr User Guide
- OODT Push-Pull User Guide
- OODT Push Pull Plugins
- Wiring in an external met extractor written in Python
- CAS Product Server Web APIs (version 2) - User Guide
- CAS Curator REST API
- File Manager REST API
- Using CAS Curator
- Building and deploying CAS Curator
- Mime type detection with the AutoDetectProductCrawler
- OODT File Manager to SIS Connection Demo
- MetExtractors for Crawler
- Metadata Extractors
- Getting products from a remote FileManager
- Using the SolrIndexer to dump a File Manager Catalog
- Solr File Manager Developer's Guide
Workflow / CAS-PGE / Resource Manager