The OODT 0.1-incubating dependency fixer tool allows for OODT 0.1-incubating components to be built and installed within a user's local maven repository. The tool seeks to address the build issue described in the following JIRA issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OODT-137
- Maven 2.2.0 +
- Ant 1.7.1
- Obtain dependency fixer tool (not yet available.. stay tuned)
- By default, all OODT 0.1-incubating components are downloaded, built, and installed. A subset of OODT 0.1-incubating components can be specified by editing the following file:
- Run the dependency fixer tool by navigating to the root directory of the dependency fixer package, and issuing the following command:
sudo mvn validate
- Monitor the progress and status of the dependency fixer build by viewing logs within
- It is possible the build may fail before completing. Re-issuing the mvn validate command may fix the build error, this type of situation is possible.
- If the build is successful, you are done! Make sure to validate by checking the maven log files within 'target/'