This page provides links to unofficial developer snapshot builds. The builds are provided by community volunteers until there are build-bots providing automated builds for all platforms.
NOTE: This page lists development snapshots for version 3.4, that was released in final form in May 2012. If you are looking for current development snapshots, see Development Snapshot Builds.
IMPORTANT: These builds are intended to be used for early testing by other community volunteers. They have no release quality and should not be installed in a production environment. Developer snapshots can be unstable and are expected to have bugs.
Please report problems revealed by installation and testing of a snapshot as soon as possible. Found issues should be submitted in the issue tracker. Issues, along with subsequent issue-investigation and -resolution updates, are announced automatically on the ooo-issues mailing list.
Developer snapshots by Revision Number
The current SVN Revision Number of the repository is used to identify snapshots built from the Subversion Repository that is current as of that revision. The revision numbers are shown in the reporting of individual commits on the ooo-commits mailing list. The commits made between successive snapshots can also be determined by reviewing SVN logs, down to the revision history of individual source-code files.
NOTE: The provided unofficial developer builds here should always be based on the same revision number to align and coordinate our early QA efforts. It is not intended to keep older builds at this time for reference.
Apache OpenOffice - Source Releases
Apache OpenOffice - full installation sets
Apache OpenOffice - multi-lingual full installation sets
Apache OpenOffice - language packs
Apache OpenOffice SDK
Used build flags for developer snapshots
NOTE: The snapshot builts this week are full install sets to test system integration and upgrades. Please be aware of potential problems and backup your user directory.
On Windows, if you change the install paths for parallel installation, keep the new path names as short or shorter than the built-in names. Paths longer than 72 characters can cause mysterious failures to install. (Bug 118823)
Apache OpenOffice - Source Releases
You can find a source release snapshot based on the same revision r1309668 under src_release. All necessary information how to verify the signature etc. can be found there. Feedback is welcome on the ooo-dev mailing list.
Apache OpenOffice - full installation sets
Language |
Windows Intel MSI |
Linux Intel RPM |
Linux Intel DEB |
Linux x86-64 RPM |
Linux x86-64 DEB |
MacOS Intel |
Solaris Intel |
Solaris SPARC |
IBM OS/2, eComStation |
English (en-US) |
German (de) |
French (fr) |
Spanish (es) |
Italian (it) |
Japanese (ja) |
Chinese China (zh-CN) |
Dutch (nl) |
Brazilian (pt-BR) |
Chinese Taiwan (zh-TW) |
Hungarian (hu) |
Finnish (fi) |
Czech (cs) |
Arabicn (ar) |
Galician (gl) |
Russian (ru) |
links provides full normal install sets instead of development builds to test upgrades and system integration.This install sets are also mirrored at
Apache OpenOffice - multi-lingual full installation sets
Language |
Windows Intel MSI |
Linux Intel RPM |
Linux Intel DEB |
Linux x86-64 RPM |
Linux x86-64 DEB |
MacOS Intel |
Solaris Intel |
Solaris SPARC |
English (en-US) |
additional: Finnish (fi) and Czech (cs) r1303653 incl. presenter extensions |
links provides full normal install sets instead of development builds to test upgrades and system integration.This install sets are also mirrored at
Apache OpenOffice - language packs
Language |
Windows Intel MSI |
Linux Intel RPM |
Linux Intel DEB |
Linux x86-64 RPM |
Linux x86-64 DEB |
MacOS Intel |
Solaris Intel |
Solaris SPARC |
IBM OS/2, eComStation |
German (de) |
French (fr) |
Spanish (es) |
Italian (it) |
Japanese (ja) |
Chinese (zh-CN) |
Brazilian (pt-BR) |
Dutch (nl) |
Hungarian (hu) |
Russian (ru) |
Trad. Chinese (zh-TW) |
Finnish (fi) |
Czech (cs) |
links provides full normal install sets instead of development builds to test upgrades and system integration.
Apache OpenOffice SDK
Language |
Windows Intel MSI |
Linux Intel RPM |
Linux Intel DEB |
Linux x86-64 RPM |
Linux x86-64 DEB |
MacOS Intel |
Solaris Intel |
Solaris SPARC |
English (en-US) |
links provides full normal install sets instead of development builds to test upgrades and system integration.
Used build flags for developer snapshots
I prepare my source tree to have a fresh clean tree without any output. I update the sources to the revision number that we have agreed on and use the following switches to build the snapshots. I use pre-built versions of dmake and epm. Amd I use the pre-built mozilla libs.
#! /bin/bash echo "### checking for unowinreg.dll ... " if [ ! -e ./external/unowinreg/unowinreg.dll ]; then wget -O external/unowinreg/unowinreg.dll else echo " unowinreg.dll found" fi echo "### checking for moz prebuild libs ... " if [ ! -e ./moz/zipped/ ]; then cp ~/dev/backup/moz_prebuild/ ./moz/zipped/ cp ~/dev/backup/moz_prebuild/ ./moz/zipped/ cp ~/dev/backup/moz_prebuild/ ./moz/zipped/ else echo " moz prebuild libs found" fi echo "### autoconf ..." if [ ! -e ./configure ]; then autoconf else rm ./configure autoconf fi echo "### Configure" ./configure --with-build-version="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (%a, %d %b %Y)")" \ --disable-build-mozilla --enable-verbose --enable-category-b --enable-minimizer --enable-presenter-console --enable-wiki-publisher --enable-bundled-dictionaries \ --with-dmake-path=/Users/jsc/dev/tools/bin/dmake --with-epm=/Users/jsc/dev/tools/bin/epm/epm --with-lang="en-US ar de cs fr es gl it ja zh-CN pt-BR nl hu ru zh-TW fi" ./bootstrap cd instsetoo_native/util build --all -P4 --P4 dmake openofficedev_en-US openofficedev_en-US_de_fr_es_it_ja_zh-CN_pt-BR_nl sdkoodev_en-US ooodevlanguagepack_de ooodevlanguagepack_fr ooodevlanguagepack_es \ ooodevlanguagepack_it ooodevlanguagepack_ja ooodevlanguagepack_zh-CN ooodevlanguagepack_pt-BR ooodevlanguagepack_nl
I (Oliver, orw at used a pre-built version of dmake and pre-buildt mozilla libraries (main/moz/zipped/). Additionally, I copied the following libraries and files into my clean and fresh source tree:
- main/external/dbghelp/DbgHelp.Dll
- main/external/gdiplus/gdiplus.dll
- main/external/msvcp71/msvcr71.dll
- main/external/msvcp80/msvcp80.dll
- main/external/msvcp80/msvcr80.dll
- main/external/msvcp90/Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest
- main/external/msvcp90/msvcm90.dll
- main/external/msvcp90/msvcp90.dll
- main/external/msvcp90/msvcr90.dll
Since rev. 1296433 I have installed the DirectX SDK. Thus, DirectX is no longer disabled.
I also applied since rev. 1296433 suggestions from issue 118821. Thus, ATL and ActiveX are no longer disabled.
My configure options are:
--with-cl-home="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC" \ --with-mspdb-path="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/Common7/IDE" \ --with-frame-home="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.1" \ --with-psdk-home="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.1" \ --with-midl-path="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.1/Bin" \ --with-asm-home="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0" \ --with-jdk-home="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.6.0_27" \ --with-csc-path="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/SDK/v3.5" \ --with-ant-home="/cygdrive/c/AOO/ant" \ --with-dmake-path=c:/AOO/sources/devtools/dmake.exe \ --with-external-tar=c:/AOO/sources/ext_sources \ --without-junit \ --enable-pch \ --disable-binfilter \ --enable-category-b \ --enable-bundled-dictionaries \ --disable-build-mozilla \ --with-mozilla-build=c:/mozilla-build \ --with-lang="en-US ar de cs fr es gl it ja zh-CN pt-BR nl hu ru zh-TW fi" \ --with-vendor="orw at"
I (Ariel Constenla-Haile) build on a default installation of Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS (Lucid Lynx) live-cd image ( with the following switches:
./configure \ --with-packager-list=/mnt/build/aoo/aoo-dev-pack.lst \ --with-build-version="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (%a, %d %b %Y)") - Rev. $(echo $(git svn info) | sed -e 's/^.*Last Changed Rev: //g' -e 's/ .*//g')" \ --enable-verbose \ --enable-category-b \ --disable-build-mozilla \ --enable-minimizer \ --enable-presenter-console \ --enable-wiki-publisher \ --enable-bundled-dictionaries \ --enable-opengl \ --enable-dbus \ --enable-gstreamer \ --with-package-format="rpm deb" \ --with-lang="de es fr it ja pt-BR zh-CN nl" \ --with-dmake-path=$HOME/src/dmake/INST/bin/dmake \ --with-epm=$HOME/src/epm-3.7/INST/bin/epm \ --with-mingwin=i586-mingw32msvc-c++ \
To speed up the building process I use prebuild mozilla (built by myself on the same environment).
The switch --with-packager-list points to the following packaging list.
Finally I build with:
build --html --all -P8 -- -P4
I had to add the following pakages to build AOO with the above mentioned switches:
sudo apt-get install \ rpm \ autoconf \ libarchive-zip-perl \ g++ \ libcups2-dev \ libpam-dev \ openjdk-6-jdk \ gperf \ libfreetype6-dev \ libgtk2.0-dev \ libxaw7-dev \ bison \ flex \ libgconf2-dev \ libgnomevfs2-dev \ libdbus-glib-1-dev \ libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev \ mesa-common-dev \ libgl1-mesa-dev \ libglu1-mesa-dev \ ant \ junit4 \ libidl-dev
I (Mouette Yang) build in the platform Solaris 10 u10 8/11 x86, and use SolarisStudio12.3 Compiler:
Some need build environment tools is placed here:
And need subverion can be download in here:
Env variables is set:
export CC=/opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin/cc export CXX=/opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin/CXX export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/solarisstudio12.3/lib:/usr/sfw/lib export PATH=/usr/gnu/bin/:$PATH:/usr/sfw/bin
And my configure options are:
./configure \ --disable-mozilla \ --disable-cups \ --with-system-python \ --enable-presenter-console \ --enable-wiki-publisher \ --enable-minimizer \ --with-lang=[lang options...] \ --with-junit=[junit.jar's path] \ --with-build-version=[Date and revision]
And other need package and developer snapshot's modify, i write a script, can auto deal with these
things until build finish:
#!/usr/bin/tclsh8.5 package require platform set confarea "/DocumentArea/scripts" #Write a file "AOO-LANG", place it in $confarea , it define language list, it will modify #languages list in file "main/instsetoo_native/util/pack.lst" and configure's parametre "--with-lang" set buildarea "/BuildArea/ooo" #Define AOO source place. set os [platform::identify] set buildbin "main/solenv/bin/" set svnrev [lindex [lindex [split [exec /opt/csw/bin/svn info $buildarea] \n] 9] end ] set builddate [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"] set dev_parametre "" #=======Define AOO Build Type==================== #option :normal,devsnap # "normal" is normal installation sets # "devsnap" is Developer Snapshots set buildtype "devsnap" #================================================ #=======Define Special Platform Parametres======= set solaris10_special "--disable-mozilla --disable-cups --with-system-python \ --enable-presenter-console --enable-wiki-publisher --enable-minimizer" set solaris11_special "" set linux_special "" #================================================ if {$os=="solaris2.10-ix86"} { set os_parametre $solaris10_special } if {$os=="solaris2.11-ix86"} { set os_parametre $solaris11_special } #=======Define Compiler and System Env=========== if {$os=="solaris2.10-ix86" || $os=="solaris2.11-ix86"} { set CC "/opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin/cc" set CXX "/opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin/CC" set PATH "/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/ccs/bin" set LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/opt/solarisstudio12.3/lib:/usr/sfw/lib" set platenv "" } #================================================ #=======Define Language========================== set lf [open "$confarea/AOO-LANG" r] set langlist [lrange [split [read $lf] \n] 0 end-1] close $lf set lang_parametre "\"$langlist\"" foreach i $langlist { append lanlist1 "$i," append lanlist2 "$i|" } set lanlist1 [string range $lanlist1 0 end-1] set lanlist2 [string range $lanlist2 0 end-1] #================================================ #===========Autres=============================== set autre_parametre "--with-junit=/BuildArea/junit.jar " #Add other need parametres,ex junit's place #================================================ #===========Define Build Type==================== if {$buildtype=="normal"} { set buildwork "cd $buildarea/main/instsetoo_native\n" append buildwork "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH $buildarea/$buildbin --all" } if {$buildtype=="devsnap"} { set buildwork "cd $buildarea/main/instsetoo_native\n" set utilpath "$buildarea/main/instsetoo_native/util/" file copy -force $utilpath/ $utilpath/ file copy -force $utilpath/pack.lst $utilpath/pack.lst-bak set fm [open $utilpath/ r] set pakmk [split [read $fm] \n] close $fm set fm [open $utilpath/ w] foreach i $pakmk { if {$i=="ALLTAR : openoffice sdkoo_en-US ure_en-US"} { puts $fm "ALLTAR : updatepack" } else { puts $fm $i } } close $fm set fp [open $utilpath/pack.lst w] puts $fp "OpenOffice_Dev_multilang,,,,, $lanlist1 openofficedev" puts $fp "OpenOffice_Dev_SDK,,,,, en-US sdkoodev" puts $fp "OpenOfficeDevLanguagepack,,,,, $lanlist2 ooodevlanguagepack" close $fp append buildwork "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH $buildarea/$buildbin --all" } #================================================ #=======Generate Build Script==================== set f [open $buildarea/ w] puts $f "#!/usr/bin/bash" puts $f "cd $buildarea/main" puts $f "CC=$CC CXX=$CXX PATH=$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH \ $buildarea/main/configure $os_parametre --with-lang=$lang_parametre \ $autre_parametre $dev_parametre --with-build-version=\"$builddate - Rev.$svnrev\"" puts $f "sed 's/sh/bash/' $buildarea/main/ > tmp" puts $f "cat tmp > $buildarea/main/" puts $f "bash $buildarea/main/bootstrap" puts $f ". $buildarea/main/$platenv" puts $f $buildwork close $f #================================================ #============Start Build========================= set mf [open /tmp/mstat w] puts $mf "Building AOO ..." close $mf cd $buildarea/main/instsetoo_native exec -ignorestderr sh $buildarea/ > $buildarea/buildlog set mf [open /tmp/mstat w] puts $mf "Idle" close $mf #================================================
Define language list in this file "/DocumentArea/scripts/AOO-LANG"
(if $confarea is /DocumentArea/scripts):
en-US de es fr ru pt-BR zh-CN zh-TW ja it nl
Dennis E. Hamilton
It might be more useful to put the revision number in the download link. Then this one page can be used to locate the latest developer download for any of the cases in the cell for that case.
I did that for the Apache OpenOffice SDK as an example.
And thank you. This is a great place for a summary of developer build availability.
This now becomes a great page to watch for changes in unofficial-build availability.
Jürgen Schmidt
I think the idea was to align the snapshot and that they are based all on the same revision number. If the snapshot based on this revison is not available I would remove the link.
But we can use the revision numbers as well and hope that it don't become to confusing.
Dennis E. Hamilton
I also added purple numbers (self-permalinks) using the anchors that were already there.
In addition, multiple downloads can be in the same table cell, when a number are available. I suggest listing the most-recent (highest r-number) first.
This does mean that the downloads should have different file names, perhaps with the r-number in them so that folks know what they have got their hands on.
You can tell that I really admire this page. Thanks for the inspiration.
Daniel Brunner
When can we expect a Solaris/SPARC build. I am CTO at the Swiss Federal Supreme Court and we have 350 users running OOO on Solaris !
Dennis E. Hamilton
I trust that you understand these builds are not releases and should not be deployed into production use?
Also, if you have someone who can perform the builds and make them available, that would accelerate the availability that you desire. There are others who have the gear for this and may be attempting builds. I don't know if they will be added here.
Finally, you might make your concerns known on the ooo-dev mailing list where those who do builds are subscribed. Email with any subject line to subscribe. The ooo-users list might be a preferable alternative, although not all developers follow it.
Peter Roelofsen
I found that the option to perform a repair install is missing - I downloaded the multilanguage version today, thinking it was a later version that the US-Es version, but after starting the install program the set up was aborted with the message "This version is already installed" or words to that effect.
For the rest - good work, the wizard ran in Dutch.
tested on Windows Vista sp2 and Win 7 sp1, MacOsX 10.7.3 and Ubuntu 11.10
Bug 118954 - Chart data will lost after copy to different file
is FIXED whith US Version
but not if you install the language pack french (fr) after !
Uninstalling this french pack removes the bug.
The language packs German or Spannish that seem backward translation does occur by this bug.
The multi-lingual full installation sets file reproduced the bug.
Note the correct paste on AOO FR, BUT from the clipboard created by copying chart produced in LibO 3.4.x or 3.5.1
Other than that, great version! Cordially.
ds print
Tested on eCS 2.0 and 2.1 r1299571
There are some dlls missing in the package (jpeg.dll libxml2.dll icudt42.dll icuuc42.dll mmap.dll and pthr01.dll)
After experimenting with different versions of those dll, the best result I managed to get so far is the following message:
The application cannot be started.

exception occured raising singleton
loading component library failed: file://F:/(...)/OPENOFFICE.ORG%203/PROGRAM/../program/deploy.dll