Installation is important because this is the software equivalent to an un-boxing.  This is the user's first impression!

Many commercial products use the installation wizard to promote products and their features.  Luckily AOO installs pretty quick so the user won't be spending time here!

But on the wizard screens we would need to update the branding so that it clean, crispy and consistent with branding.

Installation Artifacts


Current 3.4.1

Proposed 4.0


Set Up Icon

Just an update to the logo.
Keep the arrow.

Excellent Icon


Change text from "" to "Apache OpenOffice"
Same with window title.
Remove incubation status and references.
Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo.
Remove the globe Logo.

Refers to Incubation!
Inconsistent with branding.

Unpack Directory

Fix the logo area so its not bleeding.

Inconsistent with branding.
Position seems a little off.


Change text from "" to "Apache OpenOffice"
Same with window title.
Remove incubation status and references.
Replace Affiliation logo with official Apache logo.
Remove the globe Logo.

Refers to Incubation!
Inconsistent with branding.

Installer Wizard

Its fine layout wise, will just get new logo.

Inconsistent with branding.

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