These instructions cover a full installation of Apache OpenMeetings, ATutor, and the new version of the ATutor Apache OpenMeetings plug-in on a Linux box (Fedora 16). Commands may be slightly different on other distributions. Windows users can find installation instructions for OpenMeetings here.
- Using build #124 (Jun 29, 2012 11:00:59 PM)
- wget
- mkdir OM
- tar -zxvf apache-openmeetings-incubating-2.0.0.r1355596-29-06-2012_2306.tar.gz -C OM
- cd OM
- Run OpenMeetings with sh
- In web browser, go to http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/install
- Fill in nothing but Username, Userpass, EMail, and User Time Zone. Leave the rest of settings on default values.
- Skipping the following (for now): SWFTools, ImageMagick, FFMPEG, SoX, OpenOffice/LibreOffice
- Click 'INSTALL' (wait for a while)
- After installation is finished, your screen should look like below at http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/
{"serverDuration": 90, "requestCorrelationId": "cea63cb1f520ebb7"}