Changes in this test
Compared to OpenMeetings 140 users test reducing the CPU value for the Scrypt implementation from 1024 * 8 to 256.
Test Details
Test run below:
- 140 users
- staggered to enter in a time period around 5-10min
- distributed into
- 10 conference rooms 4x4 = 40 users
- 5 webinars with 21 users each = 105 users
- Each test runs calls the API to login/createRoomHash and then load the URL with the room (plus start webcam/audio stream in the conference rooms)
- 4GB OpenMeetings 1 core
- 4GB KMS 1 core
Test Results
- Reduces the login command to perform without any increase. It's completely gone from being a problematic call.
- However now the StreamProcessor::onMessage shows a curve and sending a single message in this method takes out of sudden almost 1 second. This wasn't previous the case. It seems like we moved the bottleneck to the next level. We speed up the login command but now, because login is much faster, the next method becomes problematic
VIdeo pods not triggering:
- There are still lots of video pods not triggering.
- CPU still spikes to 95%. Same profile
Link to dashboard
Test1 - Prometheus Dashboard with metrics
Test2 - Prometheus Dashboard with metrics
Test3 - Prometheus Dashboard with metrics
CPU and memory usage
Login web service call is fine all web service calls are fine
None of the calls take longer than 0.35seconds. That seems okay
None of the DatabaseDao that have metrics seem to take long - login still longest
Login takes long, but its like 0.15seconds. So really nothing to be concerned of I think
StreamProcessor single message event takes almost 2seconds
=> Now this looks strange. That is a single WebSocket message. I don't know if its specific messages or all of them. Have to look into it in more detail.
Previously, because probably login took so long this wasn't such a problem.
Adding Listener takes 2 seconds
The method that takes almost 2 sec here is:
Every broadcast is refreshed - immediately
On every stream it calls:
- broadCastStart
- broadCastRestart
=> What is that good for to restart every single stream by default immediately again ?
onIceCandidate is called 1600 times
During this initialisation for ~50 streams StreamProcessor::onMessage(onIceCandidate) is called 1600 times.
=> Is it really necessary to package all those WebSocket calls up in this onIceCandidate ? Can't there be another way for the client to get possible iceCandidates ?
Tomcat threads are better used
This looks actually better then previously. Cause now it seems to start using threads to handle load issues. But still not enough in order to prevent CPU spike.