Tutorials for installing OpenMeetings and Tools
Tutoriales en español relacionados con OpenMeetings
Инструкции для OpenMeetings на Русском
Manuals for OM administrators and users you can find here.
| OM | OS | Title | last update | comment |
1 | OM 2x 3.x | Debian Wheezy 32\64 bits | Installazione di OpenMeetings 2.x - 3.x su server Linux.pdf | 05/05/2014 | Installation OpenMeetings 2.x and 3.x on Linux server (Italian) | |
2 | OM 2x 3.x | Windows XP\Vista\7\8\2008 | Installazione di OpenMeetings 2.x - 3.x su server Windows.pdf | 05/05/2014 | Installation OpenMeetings 2.x and 3.x on Windows server (Italian) | |
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