
  • Vincent is moderating today

  • last meeting was 2018-10-24

  • Attendees:

    • Vincent, Matt, Markus, Dave G., Michele, Victor, Carlos, stanciu, Andy, Olivier, Philip Maddux (?)

  • Regrets: Rodric

Introductions of new attendees

  • Victor: Grad. student at USC. Working on a thesis on real-time computing in the Cloud.  Goal is looking into how to apply real-time components into OpenWhisk.

  • Markus: now with Red Hat

Open comments on status/updates in a few areas:

  • Main/core OpenWhisk (Carlos//Markus/Tyson, etc.)


    • PR Review:  

      • Vincent: changes I saw recently… version update of all prog. languages

        • Scala updated to v2.12

        • Go updated to 1.9

      • Carlos: good to create an issue “low hanging fruit” issue to look intp what it would take to upgrade to Go 1.11 for CLI and Whisk Deploy

      • Vincent: I tried 1.11 but got some strange errors, so left 1.9 for now...

      • Carlos: we should have a best practice where we open an issue for any language version updates

      • Carlos: Any errors you might see are because you need to use Scala 2.12.7 (and not use 2.11). Most repos “touched"

      • Carlos: Christian merged a change to create/split 2 log records (???)

      • Carlos: Sven added more metrics for the Invoker, more gran. info on failures and timeouts focus on Docker CLI commands).

  • Agenda topics

    • Release

      • Vincent: change to “” naming convention for all lib. packages

        • Java runtime, main openwhisk have PRs open, seeking review/comments

      • Carlos: if you have problems with refactoring.

    • Runtimes updates:

      • GoLang

        • Carlos: working with Michele to see if we can add this runtime to the release repo/scripts/automation… 

        • Vincent: can create a vote, the repo. release process for modules should be complete. Feel free to ask me any questions.

    • Composer:

      • Dave: working with Olivier to clean up namespace handling (from IBM to openwhisk)

    • Graduation:

      • Carlos: asks Matt to fill out Maturity model...

      • Carlos: then approach IPMC to get feedback...

      • Matt: happy to complete "Maturity model on the Wiki that I started a few months ago...

        • but still need to eliminate private playgrounds...

      • Carlos: I may have a cluster we can “donate” soon...

      • Matt: great news. We also have to move a few remaining sets of tests from private playgrounds to open and hoping Vincent can work on this once he is done with package refactoring...

  • Kubernetes:  (Dave Grove/Daisy)

    • Dave: In the Kube repo. we are refactoring Helm charts to comply with Helm best practices

      • standardize charts, and ready for prouction deployments

      • lots of users giving feedback on documentation (people “kicking the tires”); good comm. contributions/feedback.

    • Dave: produce a release with new Helm charts, perhaps with next overall release Vincent is planning.

    • Matt and his team will shift to work on Kube..

      • Starting with porting providers, creating Helm charts, adding Travis/Jenkins

      • Start with CouchDB, work on doc. Persistent Volumes

      • move to other providers… RSS, JIRA, etc.

      • Create an “ELK stack” with Monitoring (optional) with helm configs. and default implementations

        • perhaps doc. SPIs

      • Create mgmt. console possibly

  • Next-gen architecture (Markus/Ben): 

    • Victor: What is progress of next-gen architecture

    • Markus: reach out to me… Rodric and I discussed… i plan to facilitate discussion in the near future (Slack or email me)

  • Mesos/Compose: (Dragos/Tyson)

    • No update

  • OpenShift update: (Brendan/Ben)

    • No update

  • API Gateway (Matt Hamann/Dragos)

    • No update

  • Catalog/Packages/Samples (anyone)

    • No update

  • Tooling/Utilities (Carlos (CLI), Priti/Matt (wskdeploy))


    • Matt: Whisk Deploy may look at the “Federation” use case, interest from IBM and Adobe...

      • how do we share “projects” across a hybrid model (i.e., public, private, dedicated, distributed)?

    • Matt: will post design proposal on Wiki once baked…  anticipate December timeframe...

Confirm moderator for next call

  • Matt will volunteer, for Dec. 5th meeting (skipping the 21st due to advent of a US holiday)

  • adjourn 10:39 AM US Central

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