This document describes the functional specification for the Error Handling feature in Pig.
Error types and mechanism to handle errors
The #cookbook discusses the classification of errors within Pig and proposes a guideline for exceptions that are to be used by developers. A reclassification of the errors is presented below.
Frontend errors
. The front-end consists of multiple components - parser, type checker, optimizer, translators, etc. These errors usually occur at the client side before the execution begins in Hadoop. All the errors from these components can be categorized as front-end errors. Components that are part of the front end will throw specific exceptions that capture the context. For example, the parser throws a `ParseException`, the type checker will throw a `TypeCheckerException`, the optimizer will throw a `LogicalOptimizerException`, etc. A list of the exceptions thrown in the front-end are as follows.
- `FrontendException` Generic front-end exception
- `JobCreationException` Used for indicating errors during Map Reduce job creation
- `LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException` Used for indicating errors during logical plan to physical plan translation
- `MRCompilerException` Used for indicating errors during map reduce plan compilation from physical plan
- `OptimizerException` Used for indicating errors during logical plan optimization
- `PigException` Generic exception in Pig
- `PlanException` Used for indicating errors during plan/graph operations
- `PlanValidationException` Used for indicating errors during plan validation
- `SchemaMergeException` Used for indicating errors during schema merges
- `TypeCheckerException` Used for indicating errors due to type checking
- `VisitorException` Used for indicating errors when visiting a plan
Backend errors
. The execution pipeline, the operators that form the pipeline and the map reduce classes fall into the back-end. The errors that occur in the back-end are generally at run-time. Exceptions such as `ExecException` and `RunTimeException` fall into this category. These errors will be propagated to the user facing system and an appropriate error message indicating the source of the error will be displayed.
Internal errors
. Any error that is not reported via an explicit exception is indicative of a bug in the system. Such errors are flagged as internal errors and will be reported as possible bugs. Any non Hadoop backend error is a bug in Pig.
While the aforementioned errors describe a developer's viewpoint of errors, the user is interested in the source of the errors. A classification of the source of errors is given below.
- User Input - Sources of user input error are syntax error, semantic error, etc.
- Bug - An internal error in the Pig code and not related to the user's input
- User Environment - The client side environment
- Remote Environment - The Hadoop execution environment
Error codes
Error codes are categorized into ranges depending on the nature of the error. The following table indicates the ranges for the error types in Pig. Normally, errors due to user input and bugs in the software are not retriable. Errors due to the user environment and remote environment may be retriable based on the context. Error codes will be used for documentation to help users address common errors.
Error type |
Range |
User Input |
1000 - 1999 |
Bug |
2000 - 2999 |
User Environment (retriable) |
3000 - 3999 |
User Environment |
4000 - 4999 |
Remote Environment (retriable) |
5000 - 5999 |
Remote Environment |
6000 - 6999 |
Programmatic access via Java APIs can query if exceptions are retriable or not. For external processes that rely on the return code of the process, the table given below will indicate the status of the process execution. Front-end exceptions will result in failures as far the user is concerned. Hadoop's errors are not retriable and return fatal error code (2) or partial failure code (3).
Status |
Return Code |
Successful Execution |
0 |
Retriable error |
1 |
Fatal error |
2 |
Partial failure |
3 |
Error message
The format of the error message shown to the user will be as follows:
ERROR <Error code>: <Error message>
E.g.: ERROR 1005: The arity of the group by columns do not match.
Requirement on UDF authors
In order to enable warning message aggregation, UDF authors should use Pig's abstraction to handle warning message aggregation. For more details refer to the [#design].
Warning Codes
Each warning message will be associated with a warning code. The warning code will correspond to the enum type used for the warning message aggregation.
- The exact warning codes along with the warning messages are to be decided.
Additional command line switches
In order to support the ability to turn on/off warning message aggregation, log error messages to client side logs and specify the location of the client side log, the following switches will be added to and/or extended in Pig.
- -wagg to turn on warning aggregation; by default warning aggregation is turned off.
- -v to include printing error messages on screen; by default error messages will be written to client side log. Using -v will also print the messages on the screen
- <<Anchor(clientSideLog)>>-l directory where the client side log is stored; by default, logs will be stored in the current working directory and named pig_<datestamp>.log. When used in batch mode (i.e., when a script to be executed is provided), the log file name will also contain the name of the script - pig_<datestam>_<pig_file>.log.
Compendium of error messages
A list of possible error messages is listed below. This list is not comprehensive and will be modified to reflect the true error message along with the error code.
Error Code |
Error Message |
1000 |
Error during parsing |
1001 |
Unable to descirbe schema for alias <alias> |
1002 |
Unable to store alias <id> |
1003 |
Unable to find an operator for alias <alias> |
1004 |
No alias <alias> to <operation> |
1005 |
No plan for <alias> to <operation> |
1006 |
Could not find operator in plan |
1007 |
Found duplicates in schema. <list of duplicate column names> . Please alias the columns with unique names. |
1008 |
Expected a bag with a single element of type tuple but got a bag schema with multiple elements |
1009 |
Expected a bag with a single element of type tuple but got an element of type <type> |
1010 |
getAtomicGroupByType is used only when dealing with atomic <group/join> col |
1011 |
getTupleGroupBySchema is used only when dealing with <tuple/join> group col |
1012 |
Each <COGroup/join> input has to have the same number of inner plans |
1013 |
attributes can either be star or a list of expressions, but not both. |
1014 |
Problem with input <operator> of User-defined function: <function> |
1015 |
Error determining fieldschema of constant: <constant> |
1016 |
Problems in merging user defined schema |
1017 |
Schema mismatch. A basic type on flattening cannot have more than one column. User defined schema: <schema> |
1018 |
Problem determining schema during load |
1019 |
Unable to merge schemas |
1020 |
Only a BAG or TUPLE can have schemas. Got <type> |
1021 |
Type mismatch. No useful type for merging. Field Schema: <field schema>. Other Fileld Schema: + otherFs |
1022 |
Type mismatch. Field Schema: <field schema>. Other Fileld Schema: + otherFs |
1023 |
Unable to create field schema |
1024 |
Found duplicate aliases: <alias> |
1025 |
Found more than one match: <list of aliases> |
1026 |
Attempt to fetch field: <field> from schema of size <size> |
1027 |
Cannot reconcile schemas with different sizes. This schema has size <size> other has size of <size> |
1028 |
Access to the tuple <alias> of the bag is disallowed. Only access to the elements of the tuple in the bag is allowed. |
1029 |
One of the schemas is null for merging schemas. Schema: <schema> Other schema: <schema> |
1030 |
Different schema sizes for merging schemas. Schema size: <size> Other schema size: <size> |
1031 |
Incompatible types for merging schemas. Field schema type: <type> Other field schema type: <type> |
1032 |
Incompatible inner schemas for merging schemas. Field schema: <schema> Other field schema: <schema> |
1033 |
Schema size mismatch for merging schemas. Other schema size greater than schema size. Schema: <schema>. Other schema: <schema> |
1034 |
TypeCastInserter invoked with an invalid operator class name: <operator class name> |
1035 |
Error getting LOProject's input schema |
1036 |
Map key should be a basic type |
1037 |
Operand of Regex can be CharArray only |
1038 |
Operands of AND/OR can be boolean only |
1039 |
Incompatible types in <Addition/Subtraction/Division/Multiplication/Mod/GreaterThan/LesserThan/> operator. left hand side: <type> right hand size: type |
1040 |
Could not set <Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide/Mod/UserFunc/BinCond> field schema |
1041 |
NEG can be used with numbers or Bytearray only |
1042 |
NOT can be used with boolean only |
1043 |
Unable to retrieve field schema of operator. |
1044 |
Unable to get list of overloaded methods. |
1045 |
Could not infer the matching function for <func spec> as multiple or none of them fit. Please use an explicit cast. |
1046 |
Multiple matching functions for <funcspec> with input schemas: ( <schema> , <schema>). Please use an explicit cast. |
1047 |
Condition in BinCond must be boolean |
1048 |
Two inputs of BinCond must have compatible schemas |
1049 |
Problem during evaluaton of BinCond output type |
1050 |
Unsupported input type for BinCond: lhs = <type>; rhs = <type> |
1051 |
Cannot cast to bytearray |
1052 |
Cannot cast <type> with schema <schema> to <type> with schema <schema> |
1053 |
Cannot resolve load function to use for casting from <type> to <type> |
1054 |
Cannot merge schemas from inputs of UNION |
1055 |
Problem while reading schemas from inputs of <Union/SplitOutput/Distinct/Limit/Cross> |
1056 |
Problem while casting inputs of Union |
1057 |
's inner plan can only have one output (leaf) |
1058 |
Split's condition must evaluate to boolean. Found: <type> |
1059 |
Problem while reconciling output schema of <Sort/Filter/Split> |
1060 |
Cannot resolve <COGroup/Foreach/Fragment Replicate Join> output schema |
1061 |
Sorry, group by complex types will be supported soon |
1062 |
COGroup by incompatible types |
1063 |
Problem while reading field schema from input while inserting cast |
1064 |
Problem reading column <col> from schema: <schema> |
1065 |
Found more than one load function to use: <list of load functions> |
1066 |
Unable to open iterator for alias <alias> |
1067 |
Unable to explain alias <alias> |
1068 |
Using <Map/Bag> as key not supported. |
1069 |
Problem resolving class version numbers for class <class> |
1070 |
Could not resolve <class> using imports: <package import list> |
1071 |
Cannot convert a <type> to <a/an> <type> |
1072 |
Out of bounds access: Request for field number <number> exceeds tuple size of <size> |
1073 |
Cannot determine field schema for <object> |
1074 |
Problem with formatting. Could not convert <object> to <Integer/Long/Float/Double>. |
1075 |
Received a bytearray from the UDF. Cannot determine how to convert the bytearray to <int/float/long/double/string/tuple/bag/map> |
1076 |
Problem while reading field schema of cast operator. |
1077 |
Two operators that require a cast in between are not adjacent. |
1078 |
Schema size mismatch for casting. Input schema size: <size>. Target schema size: <size> |
1079 |
Undefined type checking logic for unary operator: " <operator> |
1080 |
Did not find inputs for operator: " <operator> |
1081 |
Cannot cast to <int/float/long/double/string/tuple/bag/map>. Expected bytearray but received: <type> |
1082 |
Cogroups with more than 127 inputs not supported. |
1083 |
setBatchOn() must be called first. |
1084 |
Invalid Query: Query is null or of size 0. |
1085 |
operator in <pushBefore/pushAfter> is null. Cannot <pushBefore/pushAfter> null operators. |
1086 |
First operator in <pushBefore/pushAfter> should have multiple <inputs/outputs>. Found first operator with <size> <inputs/outputs>. |
1087 |
The <inputNum/outputNum> <num> should be lesser than the number of <inputs/outputs> of the first operator. Found first operator with <size> <inputs/outputs>. |
1088 |
operator in <pushBefore/pushAfter> should have <at least> one <output/input>. Found <first/second> operator with <no/<size> > <outputs/inputs>. |
1089 |
Second operator in <pushBefore/pushAfter> should be the <successor/predecessor> of the First operator. |
1090 |
Second operator can have at most one <incoming/outgoing> edge from First operator. Found <num> edges. |
1091 |
First operator does not support multiple <outputs/inputs>. On completing the <pushBefore/pushAfter> operation First operator will end up with <num> edges |
1092 |
operator in swap is null. Cannot swap null operators. |
1093 |
Swap supports swap of operators with at most one <input/output>. Found <first/second> operator with <size> <inputs/outputs> |
1094 |
Attempt to insert between two nodes that were not connected. |
1095 |
Attempt to remove and reconnect for node with multiple <predecessors/successors>. |
1096 |
Attempt to remove and reconnect for node with <<size>/no> <predecessors/successors>. |
1097 |
Containing node cannot be null. |
1098 |
Node index cannot be negative. |
1099 |
Node to be replaced cannot be null. |
1100 |
Replacement node cannot be null. |
1101 |
Merge Join must have exactly two inputs. Found : + <size> + inputs |
1102 |
Data is not sorted on <left/right> side. Last two keys encountered were: <previous key>, <current key> |
1103 |
Merge join only supports Filter, Foreach and Load as its predecessor. Found : <operator> |
1104 |
Right input of merge-join must implement SamplableLoader interface. This loader doesn't implement it. |
1105 |
Heap percentage / Conversion factor cannot be set to 0 |
1106 |
Merge join is possible only for simple column or '*' join keys when using <funcspec> as the loader |
1107 |
Try to merge incompatible types (eg. numerical type vs non-numeircal type) |
1108 |
Duplicated schema |
1109 |
Input ( <input alias> ) on which outer join is desired should have a valid schema |
1110 |
Unsupported query: You have an partition column (<colname>) inside a <regexp operator/function/cast/null check operator/bincond operator> in the filter condition. |
1111 |
Use of partition column/condition with non partition column/condition in filter expression is not supported. |
1112 |
Unsupported query: You have an partition column (<column name>) in a construction like: (pcond and ...) or (pcond and ...) where pcond is a condition on a partition column. |
1113 |
Unable to describe schema for nested expression <alias> |
1114 |
Unable to find schema for nested alias <nested alias> |
1115 |
Place holder for Howl related errors |
1116 |
Duplicate udf script (in scripting language) |
1117 |
Cannot merge schema |
1118 |
Cannot convert bytes load from BinStorage |
1119 |
Cannot find LoadCaster class |
1120 |
Cannot cast complex data |
1121 |
Python error |
1122 |
The arity of cogroup/group by columns do not match |
1123 |
Cogroup/Group by * is only allowed if the input has a schema |
1124 |
Mismatch merging expression field schema .. with user specified schema .. |
1125 |
Error determining field schema from object in constant expression" |
1126 |
Schema having field with null alias cannot be merged using alias. |
1127 |
Dereference index out of range in schema. |
1128 |
Cannot find field dereference field in schema. |
1129 |
Referring to column(s) within a column of type .. is not allowed |
1130 |
Datatype of i'th group/join column in j'th relation of statement is incompatible with corresponding column in other relations in the statement |
2000 |
Internal error. Mismatch in group by arities. Expected: <schema>. Found: <schema> |
2001 |
Unable to clone plan before compiling |
2002 |
The output file(s): <filename> already exists |
2003 |
Cannot read from the storage where the output <filename> will be stored |
2004 |
Internal error while trying to check if type casts are needed |
2005 |
Expected <class>, got <class> |
2006 |
TypeCastInserter invoked with an invalid operator class name: <class> |
2007 |
Unable to insert type casts into plan |
2008 |
cannot have more than one input. Found <n> inputs. |
2009 |
Can not move LOLimit up |
2010 |
LOFilter should have one input |
2011 |
Can not insert LOLimit clone |
2012 |
Can not remove LOLimit after <class> |
2013 |
Moving LOLimit in front of <class> is not implemented |
2014 |
Unable to optimize load-stream-store optimization |
2015 |
Invalid physical operators in the physical plan |
2016 |
Unable to obtain a temporary path. |
2017 |
Internal error creating job configuration. |
2018 |
Internal error. Unable to introduce the combiner for optimization. |
2019 |
Expected to find plan with single leaf. Found <n> leaves. |
2020 |
Expected to find plan with UDF leaf. Found <class> |
2021 |
Internal error. Unexpected operator project in local rearrange inner plan. |
2022 |
Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling. |
2023 |
Received a multi input plan when expecting only a single input one. |
2024 |
Expected reduce to have single leaf. Found <n> leaves. |
2025 |
Expected leaf of reduce plan to always be POStore. Found <class> |
2026 |
No expression plan found in POSort. |
2027 |
Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected for a merge. |
2028 |
ForEach can only have one successor. Found <n> successors. |
2029 |
Error rewriting POJoinPackage. |
2030 |
Expected reduce plan leaf to have a single predecessor. Found <n> predecessors. |
2031 |
Found map reduce operator with POLocalRearrange as last oper but with no succesor. |
2032 |
Expected map reduce operator to have a single successor. Found <n> successors. |
2033 |
Problems in rearranging map reduce operators in plan. |
2034 |
Error compiling operator <class> |
2035 |
Internal error. Could not compute key type of sort operator. |
2036 |
Unhandled key type <type> |
2037 |
Invalid ship specification. File doesn't exist: <file> |
2038 |
Unable to rename <oldName> to <newName> |
2039 |
Unable to copy <src> to <dst> |
2040 |
Unknown exec type: <type> |
2041 |
No Plan to compile |
2042 |
Internal error. Unable to translate logical plan to physical plan. |
2043 |
Unexpected error during execution. |
2044 |
The type <type> cannot be collected as a Key type |
2045 |
Internal error. Not able to check if the leaf node is a store operator. |
2046 |
Unable to create FileInputHandler. |
2047 |
Internal error. Unable to introduce split operators. |
2048 |
Error while performing checks to introduce split operators. |
2049 |
Error while performing checks to optimize limit operator. |
2050 |
Internal error. Unable to optimize limit operator. |
2051 |
Did not find a predecessor for <Distinct/Filter/Limit/Negative/Null/Sort/Split/Split Output/Store/Stream>. |
2052 |
Internal error. Cannot retrieve operator from null or empty list. |
2053 |
Internal error. Did not find roots in the physical plan. |
2054 |
Internal error. Could not convert <object> to <Integer/Long/Float/Double/Tuple/Bag/Map> |
2055 |
Did not find exception name to create exception from string: <string> |
2056 |
Cannot create exception from empty string. |
2057 |
Did not find fully qualified method name to reconstruct stack trace: <line> |
2058 |
Unable to set index on the newly created POLocalRearrange. |
2059 |
Problem with inserting cast operator for <regular expression/binary conditional/unary operator/user defined function/fragment replicate join/cogroup/project/<operator>> in plan. |
2060 |
Expected one leaf. Found <n> leaves. |
2061 |
Expected single group by element but found multiple elements. |
2062 |
Each COGroup input has to have the same number of inner plans." |
2063 |
Expected multiple group by element but found single element. |
2064 |
Unsupported root type in LOForEach: <operator> |
2065 |
Did not find roots of the inner plan. |
2066 |
Unsupported (root) operator in inner plan: <operator> |
2067 |
does not know how to handle type: <type> |
2068 |
Internal error. Improper use of method getColumn() in POProject |
2069 |
Error during map reduce compilation. Problem in accessing column from project operator. |
2070 |
Problem in accessing column from project operator. |
2071 |
Problem with setting up local rearrange's plans. |
2072 |
Attempt to run a non-algebraic function as an algebraic function |
2073 |
Problem with replacing distinct operator with distinct built-in function. |
2074 |
Could not configure distinct's algebraic functions in map reduce plan. |
2075 |
Could not set algebraic function type. |
2076 |
Unexpected Project-Distinct pair while trying to set up plans for use with combiner. |
2077 |
Problem with reconfiguring plan to add distinct built-in function. |
2078 |
Caught error from UDF: <class> <message from UDF> |
2079 |
Unexpected error while printing physical plan. |
2080 |
Foreach currently does not handle type <type> |
2081 |
Unable to setup the <load/store> function. |
2082 |
Did not expect result of type: <type> |
2083 |
Error while trying to get next result in POStream. |
2084 |
Error while running streaming binary. |
2085 |
Unexpected problem during optimization. Could not find LocalRearrange in combine plan. |
2086 |
Unexpected problem during optimization. Could not find all LocalRearrange operators. |
2087 |
Unexpected problem during optimization. Found index: <index> in multiple LocalRearrange operators. |
2088 |
Unable to get results for: <file specification> |
2089 |
Unable to flag project operator to use single tuple bag. |
2090 |
Received Error while processing the <combine/reduce> plan. |
2091 |
Packaging error while processing group. |
2092 |
No input paths specified in job. |
2093 |
Encountered error in package operator while processing group. |
2094 |
Unable to deserialize object |
2095 |
Did not get reduce key type from job configuration. |
2096 |
Unexpected class in SortPartitioner: <class name> |
2097 |
Failed to copy from: <src> to: <dst> |
2098 |
Invalid seek option: <options> |
2099 |
Problem in constructing slices. |
2100 |
does not exist. |
2101 |
should not be used for storing. |
2102 |
"Cannot test a <type> for emptiness. |
2103 |
Problem while computing <max/min/sum> of <doubles/floats/ints/longs/strings>. |
2104 |
Error while determining schema of <BinStorage data/input>. |
2105 |
Error while converting <int/long/float/double/chararray/tuple/bag/map> to bytes |
2106 |
Error while computing <arity/count/concat/min/max/sum/size> in <class name> |
2107 |
DIFF expected two inputs but received <n> inputs. |
2108 |
Could not determine data type of field: <object> |
2109 |
TextLoader does not support conversion <from/to> <Bag/Tuple/Map/Integer/Long/Float/Double>. |
2110 |
Unable to deserialize optimizer rules. |
2111 |
Unable to create temporary directory: <path> |
2112 |
Unexpected data while reading tuple from binary file. |
2113 |
SingleTupleBag should never be serialized or serialized. |
2114 |
Expected input to be chararray, but got <class name> |
2115 |
Internal error. Expected to throw exception from the backend. Did not find any exception to throw. |
2116 |
Unexpected error. Could not check for the existence of the file(s): <filename> |
2117 |
Unexpected error when launching map reduce job. |
2118 |
Unable to create input slice for: <filename> |
2119 |
Internal Error: Found multiple data types for map key |
2120 |
Internal Error: Unable to determine data type for map key |
2121 |
Error while calling finish method on UDFs. |
2122 |
Sum of probabilities should be one |
2123 |
Internal Error: Unable to discover required fields from the loads |
2124 |
Internal Error: Unexpected error creating field schema |
2125 |
Expected at most one predecessor of load |
2126 |
Predecessor of load should be store |
2127 |
Cloning of plan failed. |
2128 |
Failed to connect store with dependent load. |
2129 |
Internal Error. Unable to add store to the split plan for optimization. |
2130 |
Internal Error. Unable to merge split plans for optimization. |
2131 |
Internal Error. Unable to connect split plan for optimization. |
2132 |
Internal Error. Unable to replace store with split operator for optimization. |
2133 |
Internal Error. Unable to connect map plan with successors for optimization. |
2134 |
Internal Error. Unable to connect map plan with predecessors for optimization. |
2135 |
Received error from store function. |
2136 |
Internal Error. Unable to set multi-query index for optimization. |
2137 |
Internal Error. Unable to add demux to the plan as leaf for optimization. |
2138 |
Internal Error. Unable to connect package to local rearrange operator in pass-through combiner for optimization. |
2139 |
Invalid value type: <type>. Expected value type is DataBag. |
2140 |
Invalid package index: <index>. Should be in the range between 0 and <package array size>. |
2141 |
Internal Error. Cannot merge non-combiner with combiners for optimization. |
2142 |
ReadOnceBag should never be serialized. |
2143 |
Expected index value within POPackageLite is 0, but found 'index'. |
2144 |
Problem while fixing project inputs during rewiring. |
2145 |
Problem while rebuilding schemas after transformation. |
2146 |
Internal Error. Inconsistency in key index found during optimization. |
2147 |
Error cloning POLocalRearrange for limit after sort. |
2148 |
Error cloning POPackageLite for limit after sort |
2149 |
Internal error while trying to check if filters can be pushed up. |
2150 |
Internal error. The push before input is not set. |
2151 |
Internal error while pushing filters up. |
2152 |
Internal error while trying to check if foreach with flatten can be pushed down. |
2153 |
Internal error. The mapping for the flattened columns is empty |
2154 |
Internal error. Schema of successor cannot be null for pushing down foreach with flatten. |
2155 |
Internal error while pushing foreach with flatten down. |
2156 |
Error while fixing projections. Projection map of node to be replaced is null. |
2157 |
Error while fixing projections. No mapping available in old predecessor to replace column. |
2158 |
Error during fixing projections. No mapping available in old predecessor for column to be replaced. |
2159 |
Error during fixing projections. Could not locate replacement column from the old predecessor. |
2160 |
Error during fixing projections. Projection map of new predecessor is null. |
2161 |
Error during fixing projections. No mapping available in new predecessor to replace column. |
2162 |
Error during fixing projections. Could not locate mapping for column <column> in new predecessor. |
2163 |
Error during fixing projections. Could not locate replacement column for column: <column> in the new predecessor. |
2164 |
Expected EOP as return status. Found: <returnStatus> |
2165 |
Problem in index construction. |
2166 |
Key type mismatch. Found key of type <type> on left side. But, found key of type <type> in index built for right side. |
2167 |
LocalRearrange used to extract keys from tuple isn't configured correctly. |
2168 |
Expected physical plan with exactly one root and one leaf. |
2169 |
Physical operator preceding <right/left> predicate not found in compiled MR jobs. |
2170 |
Physical operator preceding both left and right predicate found to be same. This is not expected. |
2171 |
Expected one but found more then one root physical operator in physical plan. |
2172 |
Expected physical operator at root to be POLoad. Found : <PhysicalOperator> |
2173 |
One of the preceding compiled MR operator is null. This is not expected. |
2174 |
Internal exception. Could not create the sampler job. |
2175 |
Internal error. Could not retrieve file size for the sampler. |
2176 |
Error processing right input during merge join |
2177 |
Prune column optimization: Cannot retrieve operator from null or empty list |
2178 |
Prune column optimization: The matching node from the optimizor framework is null |
2179 |
Prune column optimization: Error while performing checks to prune columns. |
2180 |
Prune column optimization: Only LOForEach and LOSplit are expected |
2181 |
Prune column optimization: Unable to prune columns. |
2182 |
Prune column optimization: Only relational operator can be used in column prune optimization. |
2183 |
Prune column optimization: LOLoad must be the root logical operator. |
2184 |
Prune column optimization: Fields list inside RequiredFields is null. |
2185 |
Prune column optimization: Unable to prune columns. |
2186 |
Prune column optimization: Cannot locate node from successor |
2187 |
Column pruner: Cannot get predessors |
2188 |
Column pruner: Cannot prune columns |
2189 |
Column pruner: Expect schema |
2190 |
PruneColumns: Cannot find predecessors for logical operator |
2191 |
PruneColumns: No input to prune |
2192 |
PruneColumns: Column to prune does not exist |
2193 |
PruneColumns: Foreach can only have 1 predecessor |
2194 |
PruneColumns: Expect schema |
2195 |
PruneColumns: Fail to visit foreach inner plan |
2196 |
RelationalOperator: Exception when traversing inner plan |
2197 |
RelationalOperator: Cannot drop column which require * |
2198 |
LOLoad: load only take 1 input |
2199 |
LOLoad: schema mismatch |
2200 |
PruneColumns: Error getting top level project |
2201 |
Could not validate schema alias |
2202 |
Error change distinct/sort to use secondary key optimizer |
2203 |
Sort on columns from different inputs |
2204 |
Error setting secondary key plan |
2205 |
Error visiting POForEach inner plan |
2206 |
Error visiting POSort inner plan |
2207 |
POForEach inner plan has more than 1 root |
2208 |
Exception visiting foreach inner plan |
2209 |
Internal error while processing any partition filter conditions in the filter after the load |
2210 |
Internal Error in logical optimizer. |
2211 |
Column pruner: Unable to prune columns. |
2212 |
Unable to prune plan. |
2213 |
Error visiting inner plan for ForEach. |
2214 |
Cannot find POLocalRearrange to set secondary plan. |
2215 |
See more than 1 successors in the nested plan. |
2216 |
Cannot get field schema |
2217 |
Problem setFieldSchema |
2218 |
Invalid resource schema: bag schema must have tuple as its field |
2219 |
Attempt to disconnect operators which are not connected |
2220 |
Plan in inconssistent state, connected in fromEdges but not toEdges |
2221 |
No more walkers to pop |
2222 |
Expected LogicalExpressionVisitor to visit expression node |
2223 |
Expected LogicalPlanVisitor to visit relational node |
2224 |
Found LogicalExpressionPlan with more than one root |
2225 |
Projection with nothing to reference |
2226 |
Cannot fine reference for ProjectExpression |
2227 |
LogicalExpressionVisitor expects to visit expression plans |
2228 |
Could not find a related project Expression for Dereference |
2229 |
Couldn't find matching uid for project expression |
2230 |
Cannot get column from project |
2231 |
Unable to set index on newly create POLocalRearrange |
2232 |
Cannot get schema |
2233 |
Cannot get predecessor |
2234 |
Cannot get group key schema |
2235 |
Expected an ArrayList of Expression Plans |
2236 |
User defined load function should implement the LoadFunc interface |
2237 |
Unsupported operator in inner plan |
2238 |
Expected list of expression plans |
2239 |
Structure of schema change |
2240 |
LogicalPlanVisitor can only visit logical plan |
2241 |
UID is not found in the schema |
2242 |
TypeCastInserter invoked with an invalid operator |
2243 |
Attempt to remove operator that is still connected to other operators |
2244 |
Hadoop does not return any error message |
2245 |
Cannot get schema from loadFunc |
2246 |
Error merging schema |
2247 |
Cannot determine skewed join schema |
2248 |
twoLevelAccessRequired==true is not supported with" +"and isSubNameMatch==true. |
2249 |
While using 'collected' on group; data must be loaded via loader implementing CollectableLoadFunc. |
2250 |
Blocking operators are not allowed before Collected Group. Consider dropping using 'collected'. |
2251 |
Merge Cogroup work on two or more relations. To use map-side group-by on single relation, use 'collected' qualifier. |
2252 |
Base loader in Cogroup must implement CollectableLoadFunc. |
2253 |
Side loaders in cogroup must implement IndexableLoadFunc. |
2254 |
Currently merged cogroup is not supported after blocking operators. |
2255 |
POSkewedJoin operator has " + compiledInputs.length + " inputs. It should have 2. |
2256 |
Cannot remove and reconnect node with multiple inputs/outputs |
2257 |
An unexpected exception caused the validation to stop |
2258 |
Bug:Two different load functions mapped to an LOCast op |
2259 |
Cannot instantiate class |
2260 |
in split only one of input/output schema is null |
2261 |
input and output schema size of split differ |
2262 |
uid mapped to two different load functions |
2263 |
expected only one predecessor |
2264 |
more than one project star as leaf in plan |
2265 |
Schema not expected for project-star |
2266 |
Expected single LOGenerate output in innerplan of foreach |
2267 |
reset on schema at pos greater than schema size |
2268 |
More than one input found for scalar expression |
2269 |
No input found for scalar expression |
2997 |
Encountered IOException. |
2998 |
Unexpected internal error. |
2999 |
Unhandled internal error. |
3000 |
IOException caught while compiling POMergeJoin |
4000 |
The output file(s): <filename> already exists |
4001 |
Cannot read from the storage where the output <filename> will be stored |
4002 |
Can't read jar file: <name> |
4003 |
Unable to obtain a temporary path. |
4004 |
Invalid ship specification. File doesn't exist: <file> |
4005 |
Unable to rename <oldName> to <newName> |
4006 |
Unable to copy <src> to <dst> |
4007 |
Missing <parameter> from hadoop configuration |
4008 |
Failed to create local hadoop file <file> |
4009 |
Failed to copy data to local hadoop file <file> |
6000 |
The output file(s): <filename> already exists |
6001 |
Cannot read from the storage where the output <filename> will be stored |
6002 |
Unable to obtain a temporary path. |
6003 |
Invalid cache specification. File doesn't exist: <file> |
6004 |
Invalid ship specification. File doesn't exist: <file> |
6005 |
Unable to rename <oldName> to <newName> |
6006 |
Unable to copy <src> to <dst> |
6007 |
Unable to check name <name> |
6008 |
Failed to obtain glob for <pattern> |
6009 |
Failed to create job client |
6010 |
Could not connect to HOD |
6011 |
Failed to run command <command> on server <server>; return code: <code>; error: <error message> |
6012 |
Unable to run command: <command> on server <server> |
6013 |
Unable to chmod <executable> . Thread interrupted. |
6014 |
Failed to save secondary output '<fileName>' of task: <taskId> |
6015 |
During execution, encountered a Hadoop error. |
6016 |
Out of memory. |
6017 |
Execution failed, while processing '<fileNames'> |
6018 |
Error while reading input |
- "Pig Developer Cookbook" October 21, 2008,
- Santhosh Srinivasan, "Pig Error Handling Design", December 8, 2008,