Before upgrading to code base of this patch(RANGER-2203) please take the backup of your current ranger database first. After taking the backup please delete ‘DB_PATCHES’ and  ‘JAVA_PATCHES’ entry from x_db_version_h table of current ranger db.

To delete the entries please login to ranger db and execute the following sql command:

  • select max(id) db_patch_id from x_db_version_h where version='DB_PATCHES';
  • delete from x_db_version_h where id=<db_patch_id>

Here db_patch_id is the max row id of the 'DB_PATCHES' entry in x_db_version_h table for current ranger version.

  • select max(id) java_patch_id from x_db_version_h where version='JAVA_PATCHES';
  • delete from x_db_version_h where id=<java_patch_id>

Here java_patch_id is the max row id of the 'JAVA_PATCHES' entry in x_db_version_h table for current ranger version.

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