

Notification Thread


  • Riley Kuttruff
  • Nga Chung
  • Grace Llewellyn
  • Joe Jacob
  • William Phyo
  • Kevin Marlis
  • Joe Roberts
  • Thomas Loubrieu

Discussion Topics

Ideas for increasing participation

Contributions slowed last few months

  • Stepheny left
  • IDEAS funding ended

Need to get contributors from outside JPL

  • ApacheCon
  • FOSS4G

Are there other communities outside of JPL that has adopted SDAP?

Ask for advice from Julian

PMC to be more active on dev@sdap mailing list

Share plans for upcoming releases

CS undergrads/grads

Jira Issues

  • Need to clean up to reflect current state of project so we can attract new committers
  • Issues should be categorized (e.g. a lot of issues are very high level and will be overwhelming for new committers)

Target specific communities

  • data archives who could actually maintain deployment of SDAP
  • end users who could share how to use SDAP APIs

Ease of deployment

  • Dependencies of k8s results in higher barrier to entry

Improve documentation (quickstarts, deployments)

New components such as in situ data services and IDEAS API are dependent on AWS

      • Remove dependency on SQS/SNS by using RabbitMQ
      • Serverless / lambda dependencies
  • Release these components that are dependent on AWS as beta versions
  • Refactor them to remove AWS dependencies and release as V1.0

Action Items

  • No labels