The OpenSocial specification is rather vague about what the specifics of the metadata call, the following was obtained by reverse engineering Shindig (version: 12/08 snapshot build)
- URL: <gadget-server>/gadgets/metadata
- GET Not Supported
- Content
- Must be JSON
- context :
- view : (optional) string
- ignoreCache : (optional) boolean (default false)
- container : (optional) string
- debug : (optional) boolean (default false)
- gadgets : array of gadget
- gadget :
- url : string
- moduleId : (optional) integer
- prefs : (optional) map<String,String> - these preferences are used to perform hangman substitution and for creating the iframeUrl.
- language & country : (optional) strings - combination of language and country is used for java.util.Locale
- gadget :
- context :
- Must be JSON
- Response (200)
- Header
- Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
- Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=rpc.txt
- Content
- gadgets : array of gadget or gadget-error
- gadget
- features : array<String>
- iframeUrl : string
- links : map<String(rel), String(href)>
- moduleId : integer
- title : string
- titleUrl : string
- url : string
- userPrefs : map<String(pref-name), pref> - these are the declared preferences from the Gadget XML
- pref :
- displayName : string
- type : string
- default : string
- enumValues : map<String(value), String(display-value)>
- orderedEnumValues : array of JSON objects (???)
- pref :
- views : map<String(view-name), view>
- view :
- type : string
- quirks : boolean
- preferredHeight : integer
- preferredWidth : integer
- view :
- directoryTitle : string
- thumbnail : string
- screenshot : string
- author : string
- authorEmail : string
- authorAffiliation : string
- authorLocation : string
- authorPhoto : URI
- authorAboutme : string
- authorQuote : string
- authorLink : URI
- categories : array<String>
- screenshot : string
- height : integer
- width : integer
- showStats : boolean
- showInDirectory : boolean
- singleton : boolean
- scaling : boolean
- scrolling : boolean
- gadget-error
- url
- moduleId
- errors : error message
- gadget
- gadgets : array of gadget or gadget-error
- Header
- Response BAD_REQUEST (400)
- Maybe see server log
- Maybe see content of the response
- See server log
- See content of response
- Content
Sample JSON Request
Sample JSON Response
"gadgets": [
"title":"hello world example",