
May. 11th 2019


Address,  上海市杨浦区大学路322号, 五角场创新创业学院,  supported by daocloud.io五角场五角场创新创业学院创新创业学院五角场创新创业学院

Live Broadcast

Provide by IT大咖说( Thanks for the supports to SkyWalking and open source community.

In this event, you need to follow ASF Anti-Harassment Policy

Speaker CFP


Now and Next

What we did from last meetup(2018), what we have and what are the next.

Sheng Wu30minYES(default as PPMC)
Service Mesh & SkyWalkingHongtao Gao35minYES(default as PPMC)
SkyWalking ecosystem project releaseHongtao Gao35minYES

Case Study: Use SkyWalking to Monitor Multilingual Hybrid Architecture Applications

使用Apache SkyWalking监控多语言混合架构应用程序

Weiyu Xiao, XiaoBaoOnline




Hackathon: The development and test of Java agent pluginXin Zhang50minYES(default as PPMC)
SkyWalking new UI: The origin and development of RocketbotYao Wang30minYES(default as PPMC)
Case Study: Yonghui supermarketChao Zhang35minYES
Case Study: ceairLie Mao35minYES

Send new CFP to or 【CLOSED】


  • AM
    1. 10:00 - 10:30  Now and Next
    2. 10:30 - 11:05  ceair
    3. 11:10 - 11:45   SkyWalking ecosystem project release
  • PM
    1. 1:00 - 1:35 Case Study: Use SkyWalking to Monitor Multilingual Hybrid Architecture Applications
    2. 1:35 - 2:25 Hackathon: The development and test of Java agent plugin
    3. 2:25 - 3:00 Service Mesh & SkyWalking
    4. 3:00 - 3:20 Rest
    5. 3:20 - 3:50 SkyWalking new UI: The origin and development of Rocketbot.
    6. 4:10 - 4:45 Case Study: Yonghui supermarket
    7. 4:45 - 5:30 Close and Free talk
  • No labels