Proposed structure for documentation
In the new navigation everything is arranged in a hierachical structure under "Documentation". My proposed new structure looks like this:
Documentation (Overview -> was Documenting Sling [UPDATE])
- Getting started (with roadmap box/hot links)
- What is Sling [NEW, extracts from existing home]
- Discover Sling in 15 minutes [OK]
- Sling and JCR [NEW]
- Engine, the heart of Sling
- Architecture
- Dispatching Requests [OK]
- Filters [OK]
- Servlets [OK]
- Resources [OK]
- Adapters [OK]
- Request Parameters [OK]
- Default Mapping and Rendering [REWRITE]
- Eventing and Jobs [CHECK] --> Carsten can you have a look at it
- Authentication [UPDATE]
- Development
- Getting and building Sling [UPDATE]
- Zero-tools development (WebDAV, script based) [NEW]
- Maven Tips & Tricks [UPDATE]
- Setup with Eclipse 3.4 [NEW, from Wiki]
- Maven Sling Plugin [UPDATED, review by Felix]
- Maven JspC Plugin [CHECK]
- How to create a new bundles and services for Sling [NEW]
- Logging [OK] [UPDATE]
- RequestProgressTracker [NEW, from SLING-3]
- Dependency Management [OK]
- Repository Based Development [OK] (lack of Eclipse Plugin)
- Bundles
- MIME Type Support (commons/mime) [OK]
- Internationalization Support (extensions/i18n) [UPDATE]
- Manipulating Content/SlingPostServlet (servlets/post) [OK]
- Content Loading (lack of JSON/XML) (jcr/contentloader) [OK]
- Sling-Taglib (scripting/jsp) [NEW - especially sling:include needs good documentation]
... a doc page for each bundle should be the future ambition
- Tutorials & How-Tos
- Launch Sling (was Provisioning and Startup) [REWRITE]
- Installing and Upgrading Bundles [OK] --> link to [1]
- Default Sling JCR layout and nodetypes [NEW]
- Implementing a ResourceProvider [NEW]
- Apache Sling Rewriter [OK] (Code under whiteboard)
- XSLT Processing Pipeline [OK]
- Wiki
- configuration (was Configuration Support) [OK]
- Sling in production
- Sling standalone [NEW]
- Sling in a Servlet container [NEW]
- Sling with Apache httpd [NEW]
- Access Logging [NEW]
- Sling API (JavaDoc) [OK]
- FAQ (Wiki)