An overview of using Maven-based tooling and archetypes to develop JBI applications
Goals of the document
This tutorial provides an easy and convenient way for a new user to learn about:
- using Maven to develop JBI service units and service assemblies
- using Maven to deploy a service assembly on ServiceMix
- using xbean.xml files to configure routes and services in ServiceMix
- 2.1. Beginner - Starting the Maven project — create a Maven project which will contain our SU and SA projects
- 2.2. Beginner - Creating our first SU module
- 2.3. Beginner - Configuring the servicemix-file SU
- 2.4. Beginner - Creating the service assembly
- 2.5. Beginner - Deploying the service assembly
- 2.6. Beginner - Exercise
- 2.7. Beginner - Summary