Please have a look at Ideas concerning documentation for contribution.
- Architecture
- Components list
- Component Matrix
- JBI Components
- servicemix-bean
- servicemix-camel
- servicemix-cxf-bc
- servicemix-cxf-se
- servicemix-drools
- servicemix-eip
- servicemix-exec
- servicemix-file
- servicemix-ftp
- servicemix-http
- servicemix-jms
- servicemix-jsr181
- servicemix-lwcontainer
- servicemix-mail
- servicemix-osworkflow
- servicemix-quartz
- servicemix-saxon
- servicemix-script
- servicemix-scripting
- servicemix-smpp
- servicemix-snmp
- servicemix-validation
- servicemix-vfs
- servicemix-wsn2005
- servicemix-xmpp
- Lightweight components
- Third party components
- Configuration examples
- Cookbook
- servicemix-camel cookbook
- Order File Processing — use a Camel Processor for enriching XML messages
- servicemix-mail cookbook
- Simple Mail Forwarding — implement a simple mail forwarder
- servicemix-xmpp cookbook
- File to XMPP Bridge — implement a simple file to xmpp forwarder
- servicemix-camel cookbook
- Features
- Guides
- Classloaders
- Configuration
- Getting Started Guide
- Load Balancing
- Management
- Ant Tasks
- DeployServiceAssemblyTask
- InstallComponentTask
- InstallSharedLibraryTask
- ListBindingComponentsTask
- ListServiceAssembliesTask
- ListServiceEnginesTask
- ListSharedLibrariesTask
- ShutDownComponentTask
- ShutDownServiceAssemblyTask
- StartComponentTask
- StartServiceAssemblyTask
- StopComponentTask
- StopServiceAssemblyTask
- UndeployServiceAssemblyTask
- UninstallComponentTask
- UninstallSharedLibraryTask
- Component MBean
- Container MBean
- Environment Context MBean
- JMX Console
- Life Cycle MBean
- Message Flow MBean
- NMR Broker MBean
- Specifications
- Ant Tasks
- NMR Flows
- servicemix-common
- Transactions
- XBean syntax
- Integration
- JavaDocs
- References
- Resources
- ServiceMix 3.1 features
- Tooling and Utilities
- Tutorials
- 1. Beginner - Guided tour and core concepts — a guided tour and an introduction to important JBI concepts (BC, SE, SA, SU, ...)
- 1.1. Beginner - Installing ServiceMix — install a standalone ServiceMix instance
- 1.2. Beginner - Starting ServiceMix — how to install and start ServiceMix
- 1.3. Beginner - About components
- 1.4. Beginner - Running the wsdl-first example
- 1.5. Beginner - Using JMX to look inside the ESB
- 1.6. Beginner - Exercise
- 1.7. Beginner - Summary
- 2. Beginner - Using Maven to develop JBI applications — using Maven-based tooling and archetypes to develop JBI applications
- 2.1. Beginner - Starting the Maven project — create a Maven project which will contain our SU and SA projects
- 2.2. Beginner - Creating our first SU module
- 2.3. Beginner - Configuring the servicemix-file SU
- 2.4. Beginner - Creating the service assembly
- 2.5. Beginner - Deploying the service assembly
- 2.6. Beginner - Exercise
- 2.7. Beginner - Summary
- 3. Beginner - Using Apache Camel inside ServiceMix — use Apache Camel for routing and mediation inside ServiceMix
- 4. Beginner - Outsource SU configuration in a properties file
- 6. Intermediate - Using EJB inside ServiceMix
- 7. Intermediate - Writing a http upload application
- 7.01. Intermediate - Configuring Maven — configure Maven to use the right repository
- 7.02. Intermediate - Starting the Maven project — create a Maven project which will contain our SU and SA projects
- 7.03. Intermediate - Creating the http consumer SU
- 7.04. Intermediate - Configuring the http consumer SU
- 7.05. Intermediate - Writing the marshaler class
- 7.06. Intermediate - Creating the http handler SU
- 7.07. Intermediate - Configuring the http handler SU
- 7.08. Intermediate - Writing the bean class
- 7.09. Intermediate - Creating the service assembly
- 7.10. Intermediate - Testing the application
- Configure ServiceMix as a Windows Service
- Creating a protocol bridge
- Creating a Standard JBI Component
- Deploying Lightweight Components Tutorial
- Hello World - BC
- Hello World - SE
- Orchestration with JSR181
- 1. Beginner - Guided tour and core concepts — a guided tour and an introduction to important JBI concepts (BC, SE, SA, SU, ...)
- Xml schemas