
Loan Broker BPEL example

This example is a new version of the Loan Broker example which uses a BPEL process and xml messages instead of using message properties only. In addition, it leverages the maven plugin for ServiceMix which ease the process of building JBI applications.

Running the Loan-Broker-BPEL example

It is based on the great EIP book(http://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/ComposedMessagingExample.html ).
It leverages the BPEL service engine, JMS binding component and some lightweight components provided by ServiceMix.

First start a ServiceMix server (if not already started) by running


in the root dir of your distribution.

The example depends on Apache Ode JBI Service Engine.

For running this within a Servicemix 3.2.x version you will need to build the Ode JBI Service Engine yourself until they do their next release.

Take a look at their getting ode page - http://ode.apache.org/building-ode.html

You need Ruby and buildr installed.

Note: For 3.2.x versions you need to do 'gem install buildr -v 1.2.10'

After it is built - you need to copy the "apache-ode-jbi-x.x.zip into a directory and extract the ode-jbi-x.x.zip

You will need to copy this zip into the hotdeploy directory of this distribution prior to the following instructions.

To run this sample, launch the following commands:

mvn install jbi:projectDeploy

To test this sample, launch the following commands:

ant run

This will run a JMS Client against it that sends a request and expects a Loan Quote as a response.

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