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  8. JBI URL handler

8. JBI URL handler

When a JBI artifact is installed, it may be useful to make sure some classes will be available for it.
In such a case, one need to use the JBI URL handler to install the JBI artifact from the command line.

The syntax of the JBI URL handler is the following:


jbi-uri := "jbi:" jbi-jar-uri [ "," jbi-instr-uri ] [ "$" jbi-instructions ]
jbi-jar-uri := < rfc2396 uri > ; uri of the jbi artifact to be wrapped
jbi-instr-uri := < rfc2396 uri > ; uri of a java properties file that contains extra manifest headers
jbi-instr-list := jbi-instr / jbi-instr "&" jbi-instr-list
jbi-instr := instr-name "=" instr-value
instr-name := < osgi header name > ;see osgi specification for details
instr-value := < osgi instruction value > ;see osgi specification for details 

For example:

smx@root:/> osgi/install jbi:file:///Users/gnodet/tmp/apache-ode-jbi-1.2/ode-jbi-1.2.zip$DynamicImport-Package=javax.*,org.xml.*,org.w3c.*,org.apache.geronimo.transaction.manager.*


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