Apache ServiceMix NMR #usernavbar() #printableicon() #pdficon() #feedicon()  
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Apache ServiceMix NMR is the core Bus of Apache ServiceMix 4. It is built as a set of OSGi bundles and meant to be deployed onto any OSGi runtime, but mainly built on top of Apache ServiceMix Kernel. The NMR project is also where the Java Business Integration 1.0 (JBI) specification is implemented.

To get started or for more informations, go to the Users' Guide.


ServiceMix NMR 1.0.0-m3

We're pleased to announce the availability of the third milestone of the ServiceMix NMR. Please see the release notes for more information.

ServiceMix NMR 1.0-m1

We are pleased to announce the first milestone of ServiceMix NMR. Apache ServiceMix NMR is a set of OSGi bundles implementing the core of an ESB and supporting JBI 1.0. It can be easily deployed on top of ServiceMix Kernel. This ESB is not fully JBI compliant: see the release notes or the Apache ServiceMix NMR web site for more informations. This release can be downloaded here.

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1 Comment

  1. Missing the news of the latest release of NMR...
