Apache Incubator To-Do
Active Tasks
- once we move out of the incubator, Apache will be able to transition the incubator subscriber list to the apache.org one; move sa-dev to dev at spamassassin.apache.org; move the PPMC list; set up announce at spamassassin.apache.org
(underway, requested Infrastructure, request at http://nagoya.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-93 --JustinMason)
- advise MARC of latest list move, for both users, dev and announce
- advise GMANE of latest list move, ditto
- -dev-de and -dev-br lists are set up; it's up to their moderators to decide when/if to move. they'll mail me (jm) at that point.
- Move Bugzilla database to Apache.
- wait for domain transfer from MR to ASF to complete.
- move rsync and related cron jobs to Apache
(I don't think we're going to do this just yet, keeping them on bz instead. it's a lot of data. --JustinMason)
- *DONE* Move web site to a tree alongside trunk under SVN and then to Apache.
- *DONE* port building code to build on minotaur
- *DONE* Redirect SpamAssassin web mirrors and old web site to new Apache web site.
- *DONE* shut down old mirrors and spamassassin.taint.org, leave as pure redirects, use old.spamassassin.org as the source for 2.63 and prior releases
- *DONE* Ask MR for spamassassin.org domain transfer to ASF
- *IGNORED* Ask ASF board to approve putting up old releases that are GPL/PAL dual license under Apache release system (as archived old releases). (Sander)
(it's ok – we will maintain an archive at http://old.spamassassin.org/ , off ASF space.)
- *DONE* shell accounts for SpamAssassin committers (AFAIK, you just need to request one)
- *DONE* move the wiki
- *DONE* move SA-talk list:
- *DONE* we open up a new <SpamAssassin-users /at/ incubator.apache.org> list, with no default subscriber list
- *DONE* we join
Also, committers who would like to help with moderation would be great. Michael Parker has said he'd be happy to help on this (duncf: perhaps this should read "anyone who would like to help with moderation would be great")
- *DONE* we post a message to SpamAssassin-talk noting the new list; also amend list info page, list description, and lists.html
- *DONE* set -talk to moderated status, so posting is impossible
- *IGNORED* subscribe -talk to -users, so that postings to -users are flooded through to -talk: not done, not needed.
- *DONE* let people subscribe to -users as they like
- *DONE* they will also be able to set List-Id header to remain the same for both lists, both during and after incubation (Malte's request)
- *DONE* advise MARC of list move
- *DONE* advise GMANE of list move