h1. Google Summer of Code 2006
This is a very preliminary list of suggested possible topics for students taking part in the Google Summer of Code 2006 to work on [SpamAssassin].
*Apr 26 2006 jm:* I've moved the ones with mentors listed to the "live" ASF-wide ideas list at http://wiki.apache.org/general/SummerOfCode2006 .
To sign up as a mentor, see http://wiki.apache.org/general/SummerOfCodeMentor
* (Any committer can be an SoC mentor.)
Tasks can have multiple "possible mentors" btw, and we'll just decide who does the mentoring if and when that comes up.
Also -- note that these are just ideas for tasks. Students are totally free to come up with their own ideas and ignore everything we write here. (Of course, we get to review and decide which ones are approved, at the end of the day ;)
h2. Task Ideas
| *Subject ID* | *: spamassassin-reduce-memory-usage* |
| *Title* | *_Reduce memory footprint of spamd_* |
| *ASF Project* | _SpamAssassin - http://SpamAssassin.apache.org/_ |
| *Keywords* | _ram, memory, spamd, perl_ |
| *Description* | _http://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=3839 : it may be possible to reduce spamd's memory footprint through changes to [SpamAssassin]'s engine, internally. A risky project; major internal changes may never get applied, esp if they break other stuff ;)_ |
| *Possible Mentors* | _-_ |
| *Status* | _-_ |
h2. Template for new items
| *Subject ID* | *: spamassassin-xxxx* |
| *Title* | *_xxxxx_* |
| *ASF Project* | _SpamAssassin - http://SpamAssassin.apache.org/_ |
| *Keywords* | _xxxx, perl_ |
| *Description* | _xxxx_ |
| *Possible Mentors* | _-_ |
| *Status* | _-_ |