ConnectorDelta Read / FetchDelta Write / MergePriority for 1.99.5 / 1.99.6 releaseSupported in Release

Generic JDBC Connector




Type of WriteSupported
Append new records, i.e INSERT onlyYes
Merge updates for old records, INSERT or UPDATEYes
HIGH1.99.5 or higher

HDFS Standalone connector

N/A ( not applicable)

Yes, format supported only Text

Type of Write 
Append new recordsYes
Merge updates from old recordsNo
HIGH1.99.5 or higher

Kite Connector HDFS

No ticket yet.

N/A ( not applicable)

Yes, format support Avro and Parquet ( confirm ??)


HIGH 1.99.5 or higher

Kite Connector HIVE

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Kite Connector Hbase

Hbase Connector  MED 
Kafka ConnectorYES (record topic,partition,offset tuples and always fetch from last_values)Append will be supported (just write values...)
Can't do a Merge/update 
LOW (FROM connector doesn't exist yet...) 
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. HDFS could support merges (by running an extra MR job in the "destoryer" - the MR job will basically dedup the dataset). Not sure about priority, but just putting it here for the record.