This document is a collection of examples of Sqoop commands and arguments that are commonly used together. Its a good starting place for those overwhelmed by all the Sqoop configuration options and want to start exploring with something tried and true.
Exporting data from CSV file to Teradata:
Note: Teradata connector is required.
sqoop export --connect jdbc:teradata://terahost/DATABASE=MYDB \
--username myuser --password mypass \
--export-dir /user/hive/warehouse/mydb.db/data_stg \
--table MYTABLE --input-fields-terminated-by ','
Merging data into Oracle with Oraoop:
sqoop export -Doraoop.export.merge=true -Doraoop.update.key.extra.columns="period_start_time" \
-D \
--connect ... --username user --password pass --table table2 --export-dir /user/hive/warehouse/tables/mytable \
--verbose -m 16 --update-key co_gid
Exporting a Hive table stored in a custom schema to PostgreSQL:
Sqoop does not have a notion of custom schemas. You need to specify the parameter --schema with a schema name if your table is stored in a different schema. Please note that the Hive schema must have the same name as the Postgres one. The --schema parameter must be separated from the rest of the parameters with an extra set of dashes (i.e. -- ) and the --schema parameter must come last.
sqoop export --connect jdbc:postgresql:// --username sqoop --password sqoop \
--table cities --export-dir cities -- --schema us
sqoop export --direct --connect jdbc:netezza://NetezzaHost:5480/MyTable --username USER \
--password-file <pwd file location> --batch --export-dir <HDFS dir to export> --table NZTable \
--input-fields-terminated-by '\0001' --input-null-string '\\N' --input-null-non-string '\\N’