Apache Stonehenge Project Wiki
The Apache Stonehenge project has retired and is no longer actively developed or supported. Please contact general@incubator.apache.org for any questions about the project status.
What is Apache Stonehenge?
Stonehenge is a set of example applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability.
The aim of the Stonehenge project is to develop a set of sample applications to demonstrate seamless interoperability across multiple underlying platform technologies by using currently defined W3C and OASIS standard protocols. The first of these sample applications is the Stonehenge StockTrader Sample Application.
This is the project's wiki. The project's home page is located at the following URL: http://incubator.apache.org/stonehenge/
Get Involved
Anyone is welcome to get involved with this project. If you would like to volunteer your time and efforts towards this project, you can begin by walking through the Apache Stonehenge First Steps. Also, be sure to examine the Project Roadmap in order to identify areas of concern with which you may be able to help.
Recent Project Reports
Sample Applications
Stonehenge StockTrader
- Metro StockTrader
- .NET StockTrader
- PHP StockTrader
- WSAS StockTrader
1 Comment
Abu Obeida Bakhach
Apache Stonehenge First Steps
Welcome to the Web Services Apache Incubator Project.. Project Stonehenge!!
These steps outline what actions you need to do to be part of this growing community. Please add other relevant steps as needed:
0- Anyone can join the dev and/or committer list at http://incubator.apache.org/stonehenge/lists_issues.html
1- Sign and fax/email/ the Individual Contributor License Agreement located at http://www.apache.org/licenses/icla.pdf
2- Wait till your name appears in this list below, http://people.apache.org/~jim/committers.html
3- then sign up for a 'confluence' account ( the wiki system for the project) at http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/STONEHENGE/Index
4- sign up for a 'jira' account ( bug and issue tracking system) at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STONEHENGE
5- Email both the confluence and jira IDs to dkulp(AT)apache.org, asking him to enable/activate those IDs